I read this and wept, Bugs. It perfectly explains so much of the horrible stuff that has happened in my life. Thank you for this brilliant little piece. And who says we don't have feelings? We do.
I have a mild case, but I lack some of the subtleties of social cueing, no matter how hard I try. It is obvious, if you are with me for more than an hour, that I am not NT. I am "different." Or as one woman said, just before she led the successful charge to eliminate me from a group of friends, "You and your husband (also an Aspie, if there ever was one) are so exotic."
There are abusive mean people out there. I also have been cut from many social situations, often by a newcomer or by someone who takes an active dislike to my nerdishness. Or, by myself, I am marginally acceptable, but with my husband, we are just too much to take.
I also showed this to my husband (also an Aspie, for sure) and he read it and wept, too. Cut out and left out, for life. It makes employment difficult, too.
Again, thanks.
"Everything can be taken from a man but ...the last of the human freedoms - to choose
one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." Viktor Frankl