Question of WP members who are loners...

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03 Mar 2010, 2:54 pm

ghostpawn wrote:
First, when among groups of people, I am still alone most of the time. Interaction just doesn't happen despite my best efforts. Solitude is simply a fact regardless of my actions.

same here.

when efforts to interact just dont work it just leaves me feeling angry and upset


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03 Mar 2010, 3:14 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
What is it about solitude that attracts you? Is it
for choice, comfort, or do you see solitude as a personal
necesity? Is it because you fear judgement because
you are a narcissist, if you are one? Is it because
you fear people doubting how amazing you can be?
Why are you an introvert?

My point here is you're wasting time
hating the world, wishing everything
and everyone would go away, instead of
looking for something to do out of your comfort zones.

I spend a lot of time in solitude; it's a natural, comfortable way of being for me. As per the definition of "introvert", social interaction drains my energy and solitude refills it. I don't hate social interaction, but I don't crave it, and I am not energized by it. When I choose solitude (like choosing to go for a walk by myself rather than try to find someone to hang out with), it's because that's what I want to do. I don't think, "I hate people, and I hate the way they treat me, so I'm going to refuse to be near anyone." I enjoy my solitude because I can enjoy my surroundings and think my own thoughts, at my own pace. What's not to like? Naturally, a very extroverted person would probably be okay with some solitude, but they would soon find that they need to connect with someone else. That's just how they are.

I don't understand the connection between solitude and hating the world. When I'm by myself, my thoughts are never about hating the world. I think about microbes, alpacas, movies, olive oil, Alan Rickman, Krispie-Kreme doughnuts, fractals, my children, knitting, and special education law---but I never think about hating the world.

Conversely (if that's the correct word), a person who is not a loner might spend a lot of time and energy hating the world. You don't have to be by yourself to do that.

Why am I an introvert? I don't know. I just am. Why do I have dark brown hair? Why do I like mushrooms on my pizza? It just is.


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03 Mar 2010, 4:15 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Do people doubt you just by looking at you?

No. In fact, they usually react positively. I think it's because I stand up straight and dress nicely, if somewhat anachronistically.

It happens to me A LOT, and it makes me
uncomfortable when someone, regardless of gender,
stares at me for a excessive amount of time.

This is where that aspie trait of ignoring other people's body language comes in handy.

If you don't want to do that, working on your personal grooming and attire might help.


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03 Mar 2010, 9:22 pm

What is it about solitude that attracts you?
I am free to do my own thing and don't have to worry about being annoying to someone. I don't have to put everything aside to please anyone. I can do my own thing and be me. I do not have to be a pushover.

Is it for choice, comfort, or do you see solitude as a personal
necesity? All of them

Is it because you fear judgement because
you are a narcissist, if you are one?
No. I often wonder if I am a narcissist but I perfer solitutue because of the previous reasons.

Is it because
you fear people doubting how amazing you can be?
Yes and no.

Why are you an introvert?
I never knew what I was supposed to do when another person was around. I was always told to talk about what intrested them and to do things that they liked, I also found it so much easier to do things without the presence of another human being and I was abused and severely bullied as a child. Even as a infant I could it uncomfortable to be around other humans.

My point here is you're wasting time
hating the world, wishing everything
and everyone would go away, instead of
looking for something to do out of your comfort zones.
Who said I am avoiding the world? I interact with people when I have to such as when shoping and paying for items but I do not usualy socolize for kicks. My dogs, cat and lizards provide me all the interaction I need.


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05 Mar 2010, 5:09 am

What is it about solitude that attracts you? Is it
for choice, comfort, or do you see solitude as a personal

I became more and more introverted as a result of feeling i had to hide my weird quirks in highschool in order to be accepted. If i knew then what i know now, i wouldnt have been so insecure about it. I thought escaping into a fantasy world, running, spinning, pacing lots of pacing, bouncing on my toes and laughing at odd intervals, contorting my face were all signs i may be going insane and turning into a serial killer or molester. So i faught the urge to stim all day untill i could finally go home and let it all out. Back then i didnt know i was doing thouse things for self stimulation. It calmed my nervous system but because noone else did it and i didnt know why i needed to so bad i thought i was somehow evil or wrong and was deeply ashamed of it.

The thing is the more i forced things the more i needed to hide. I needed to stim so much because i was constantly forcing myself not to yell my replys at people, speak for too long, expell too much information, and forcing myself not to do that made me need to calm down but i had to white knuckle it till i was alone.

Its only recently ive come to terms with all of this but ive become so accustomed to hiding that the prospect of change seems bleak.

Is it because you fear judgement because
you are a narcissist, if you are one? Is it because
you fear people doubting how amazing you can be?

I learned how to read adolecents, theyre easy and predictable but im a grown person now and adults are immensely more complex and they illude me. I fear i may do something wrong in a social situation that fear has owned my life for a long time, i havent had a job in years, im a total bottom feeder now. Im in no way a narcissist, if i had any pride for my current lifestyle or how unmotivated ive been to change it out of sheer cowardice id be more than a narcissist id be completely delusional. I know where i stand and i dont expect any praise for it.

Why are you an introvert?
Im free when im alone. or so i thought. My freedom is slowly turning more and more into a selfmade penitentary. Im locked in my own mind but i think ive found a key. Im getting over the things that make me so different or offputting to others. I know what it is now and its not something bad or evil, im not bad or evil. Being able to shed that complex is the first step to opening a new door. I think im ready to be self sufficient and move on and join the world. If i get a job or make friends and i have to go in the breakroom and pace or spin around and it makes me a kinder calmer and more social person i dont care who thinks its weird. Its Aspergers not a dirty little secret.

My point here is you're wasting time
hating the world, wishing everything
and everyone would go away, instead of
looking for something to do out of your comfort zones.

Just so you know EVERY person who is truly living in solitude knows that already and we all have our reasons for behaving the way we do, solitude is like a drug addiction, it can only change if the addict chooses that path for themselves.
Seriously i WISH i had pets to talk too and wasnt afraid of the store clerks. Im even kind of afraid talking on here. Odd as it sounds im worried other aspies might not think im smart enough. I dont really have thouse stereotypical savant-esque abilities.


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05 Mar 2010, 11:55 am

bijouxmiu wrote:
What is it about solitude that attracts you? Is it
for choice, comfort, or do you see solitude as a personal

I became more and more introverted as a result of feeling i had to hide my weird quirks in highschool in order to be accepted. If i knew then what i know now, i wouldnt have been so insecure about it. I thought escaping into a fantasy world, running, spinning, pacing lots of pacing, bouncing on my toes and laughing at odd intervals, contorting my face were all signs i may be going insane and turning into a serial killer or molester. So i faught the urge to stim all day untill i could finally go home and let it all out. Back then i didnt know i was doing thouse things for self stimulation. It calmed my nervous system but because noone else did it and i didnt know why i needed to so bad i thought i was somehow evil or wrong and was deeply ashamed of it.

The thing is the more i forced things the more i needed to hide. I needed to stim so much because i was constantly forcing myself not to yell my replys at people, speak for too long, expell too much information, and forcing myself not to do that made me need to calm down but i had to white knuckle it till i was alone.

Its only recently ive come to terms with all of this but ive become so accustomed to hiding that the prospect of change seems bleak.

Is it because you fear judgement because
you are a narcissist, if you are one? Is it because
you fear people doubting how amazing you can be?

I learned how to read adolecents, theyre easy and predictable but im a grown person now and adults are immensely more complex and they illude me. I fear i may do something wrong in a social situation that fear has owned my life for a long time, i havent had a job in years, im a total bottom feeder now. Im in no way a narcissist, if i had any pride for my current lifestyle or how unmotivated ive been to change it out of sheer cowardice id be more than a narcissist id be completely delusional. I know where i stand and i dont expect any praise for it.

Why are you an introvert?
Im free when im alone. or so i thought. My freedom is slowly turning more and more into a selfmade penitentary. Im locked in my own mind but i think ive found a key. Im getting over the things that make me so different or offputting to others. I know what it is now and its not something bad or evil, im not bad or evil. Being able to shed that complex is the first step to opening a new door. I think im ready to be self sufficient and move on and join the world. If i get a job or make friends and i have to go in the breakroom and pace or spin around and it makes me a kinder calmer and more social person i dont care who thinks its weird. Its Aspergers not a dirty little secret.

My point here is you're wasting time
hating the world, wishing everything
and everyone would go away, instead of
looking for something to do out of your comfort zones.

Just so you know EVERY person who is truly living in solitude knows that already and we all have our reasons for behaving the way we do, solitude is like a drug addiction, it can only change if the addict chooses that path for themselves.
Seriously i WISH i had pets to talk too and wasnt afraid of the store clerks. Im even kind of afraid talking on here. Odd as it sounds im worried other aspies might not think im smart enough. I dont really have thouse stereotypical savant-esque abilities.

The stereotype is exaggerated.

I can make a statement true by placing it first in this signature.

"Everyone loves the dolphin. A bitter shark - emerging from it's cold depths - doesn't stand a chance." This is hyperbol.

"Run, Jump, Fall, Limp off, Try Harder."


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05 Mar 2010, 1:55 pm

Solitude is something that is forced on me. While I like it in doses, I wish I had friends to do things with more frequently than once a month or so. Sitting at home, watching TV gets boring after a while and there's not much interesting I can do by myself.


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05 Mar 2010, 8:49 pm

I am actually an "in your face" extrovert. However, this has the unintended, unfortunate consequence of repelling people. I am therefore a loner by default.


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05 Mar 2010, 8:53 pm

The stereotype is exaggerated.

Yes im starting to figure that out the more time i spend on here (THANK GOD! because i was sure id be the Jar Jar Binks of the WrongPlanet community) But its not like that at all. Its so varied and diverse.


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06 Mar 2010, 5:28 am

I'm addicted to masturbation which is kind of the main reason I don't make a more aggressive approach towards finding external sexual objects (other males and females).


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06 Mar 2010, 6:41 am

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
What is it about solitude that attracts you? Is it
for choice, comfort, or do you see solitude as a personal

i like being alone because no one interrupts my thinking. when i am in the company of others, my thought train is always derailed by them wanting to say things to me. i must try to listen to them and put my own thought on hold, and then think of a reply before i can resume what i was thinking. then inevitably, they will say something else to me and the process is repeated and it takes me much time to think my thoughts through when people interrupt me with their words. it is frustrating to my inner fluency.

when i am alone, no one burdens me with any expectations or gets offended by anything i do. when i am in company, people expect me to share their thoughts and likes and dislikes, and i am not interested in what they are thinking, so i rapidly cease attending to what they say, and then they become offended. it is annoying.

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Is it because you fear judgement because
you are a narcissist, if you are one?

i do not care what people judge me to be. their thoughts are locked inside their skulls and do not exist in the outside world.

i am not a narcissist (but i have the tendency to feel automatically entitled).

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Is it because you fear people doubting how amazing you can be?

i have no interest in whether i appear "amazing". again, it is just someone's brain that thinks anyone is amazing, and it has no bearing on anything.

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Why are you an introvert?

i am not an introvert or an extrovert. i am an "avert".
that is i do tend toward introversion or extroversion, just "aversion".

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
My point here is you're wasting time
hating the world, wishing everything
and everyone would go away, instead of
looking for something to do out of your comfort zones.

i am not wasting my time. i am spending it in the way i like. i do as i please and if i was never born, the world would be not be significantly different than it is today.

ever since i was very little, i have wondered why people sit around in a circle facing each other making vocal sounds for ages.
in the animal (non human) world, they make sounds to alert others of their species about danger they see, or food they know to exist somewhere, or they call for a mate.
they never vocalize uselessly.
i imagine being an animal in a room where humans are, and being perplexed at the continuous noises they make , yet the humans just sit there and continue to do it all night and nothing seems to be achieved because eventually they all get up and go to their homes in the same way they would if no one made any noise at all.

it is not through hatred or bitterness that i like to be alone. it is because i can not see any point in "jaw boning" (as it were).


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06 Mar 2010, 7:11 am

bijouxmiu wrote:
The stereotype is exaggerated.

Yes im starting to figure that out the more time i spend on here (THANK GOD! because i was sure id be the Jar Jar Binks of the WrongPlanet community) But its not like that at all. Its so varied and diverse.

Yeah, you'll probably fit in at least a few of the subforums.

Besides: "Jar Jar, you're a genius!"

I can make a statement true by placing it first in this signature.

"Everyone loves the dolphin. A bitter shark - emerging from it's cold depths - doesn't stand a chance." This is hyperbol.

"Run, Jump, Fall, Limp off, Try Harder."