I know my son is 12 and has a really hard time on facebook with his "peers" socializing. Comments come out wrong, people just don't respond...typical social issues. But he wants to fit in. Which made me wonder about a community for aspies.
What do people think about a social networking community for Aspie kids? I've been looking over a plug in for Wordpress called "BuddyPress". It's a social network that someone can create on any website. I have my own domain so. Below is the description:
BuddyPress is a social networking application built on top of WordPress Multi-User (MU) as a plugin. WordPress MU is the the software behind WordPress.com. It allows a user to host a network of blogs on a site. BuddyPress adds a large variety of new social interaction features to WordPress. The features can be added all at once or as individual components:
A WordPress blog
Individual profiles for members
Private Message (PM) functionality
Friend Networks
Groups, which include a blog, photos and other user generated content
"The Wire" (like the wall on Facebook)
Activity/Action streams of public actions on the site
Forums using bbPress
A sample of a site using Buddypress:
There is lots of features and all members are invited to give feedback and suggestions. Especially the tweens/teens. The site would be moderated obviously and still playing with the idea.