Depends on the kid for me, some are ok. The quiet ones that are usually reading or doing something that looks interesting I generally find to be likeable.
But kids are right up there with randoms and animals, they seem to like me and at times a bit to much.
Randoms coming up to me in the street or shops is one thing, strange children I don't know coming and climbing up on my lap
or birds flying over and landing on my shoulder is completely different.
I am sure that is the real reason they make leashes... or they should.
Aimless wrote:
Willard wrote:
Most kids don't bother me, they're generally a helluva lot more honest than adults.
As long as they aren't the bratty type we usually get along pretty well, but I'm not much for pretend role-playing, either. That stuff made me feel silly even when I was a kid. I also find talking to kids in 'baby talk' insulting to the child and annoying to anyone else within earshot. I was the stay-at-home parent when my daughter was pre-K and I never talked to her like that.
I can remember feeling embarrassed as a child when an adult would use that sing song tone of voice with me. My son's psychiatrist uses that tone with him and it makes me cringe.
I sucked as a child with the whole pretend thing and I still do as an adult. I also do not see the whole point behind 'baby-talk' or understand why some adults do that.
Aimless, I would tell the psychiatrist to stop doing that. What does your son think of it?