OK I know, aspies interrupt all the time, I know I do, so you think I would be good at it!
My problem is that I have troubles doing it the right way when I need to. I am a nurse assistant, which means I have to constantly find my charge nurse and tell her things that patients need from her, like pain medication, or if there are problems, like if someones blood pressure is abnormally high. She is very chatty, in a good way, she tells great stories and sometimes takes a while (and has important conversations about work stuff too). Often (many times per day), when I need to tell her something she is in the middle of a conversation with people in the nursing station and I need to interrupt and ask her for something for a patient. It is awkward because there are usually at least 3 or 4 other coworkers there too, also involved in the conversation, and I hate to stop it and draw all the attention to my awkwardness.
I usually do one of two things;
*walk in and politely wait for her to finish talking.
*walk in and blurt out her name, apologize, and say what I need too
If I wait for her too stop, she usually does not until some other person finally breaks in and says "do you need something?" because I have been standing there looking awkward for too long. If I just blurt it out in the middle, I feel rude and everyone comes to a stop and looks at me.
Does anyone else have issues with entering a room where there are already a group of people talking like this? How could I make this less troublesome.
I was going to put this in the work and finding a job area, but it seems more pertinent to social skills in general.