This is a tricky question, and one I was just thinking about this morning. I have 3 people, including my husband and my sister, who I trust and can share freely with and would happily choose to spend time with IRL, and I have a couple of really good online friends. Beyond that there are several people who would consider themselves my friends, but upon closer examination these "friendships" largely consist of them calling me up and telling me their problems, with me barely getting a word in edgewise. There is no true back and forth, although I am certain they would each argue vociferously that they care very much about me etc. The fact remains I don't feel like they actually "know" me, other than superficial facts. And these are some of my oldest "friends". Is this friendship? I am not really sure. I seem to be in a pattern of attracting extroverted people who want a therapy session, as in me quietly listening to their problems and offering occasional input, rather than people who actually have common interests and want to share equally.
I do feel really lucky to have a few core close friendships, but none of these people live at all close (other than my husband). I see that most other women my age (36) have a group of girlfriends that they go out and do things with. I don't have that, but I don't think I would want it anyway. I almost never meet a person that I would actually like to get to know past a casual acquaintanceship, and to go out and spend time with or invite over. And the far flung times when I do meet someone I feel a spark with, I have nooooooo clue how to make that connection and form a new friendship.