bigbadbeast2007 wrote:
It's possible that your posts paint a tangible picture of someone trying too hard to get attention. Remember that AS makes it really difficult to judge how things come off to others, and the "between the lines" stuff is much more apparent to NTs. It is very easy to miss. Another tendency of aspies is to focus on details and miss the big picture, which makes it all the more likely to post a status and think about the specific things about what you typed that are witty and clever, and miss the fact that you have posted several witty comments in a few days' time which looks like someone trying too hard. I've learned this from personal experience!
Another thing I have found when it comes to facebook is that the frequency of people leaving comments and "likes" is dependent upon many different factors, such as the fact that people log into facebook with extremely varied frequency. Some people rarely ever log in at all, some people log in much less often than you might think, some are on very often but occasionally aren't on for longer periods of time due to things like vacations or just being too busy at times, some are on often but simply don't leave comments very much at all for one reason or another, etc.