Hi, my name's Tommy, I live in Belgium (yes, the land of chocolate, but we're really not made from it!). I'm 23 years old, and am still undiagnosed atm, getting tested in about 4 weeks. I'm a student, I restarted school after quitting 5 years ago due to severe depression. Currently finishing basic "17-18y old" level, however it's called in your country. Planning to continue studying and have some desire to end up in particle physics. Though, nothing is ever set in stone. We'll see.
I enjoy playing computer games mainly right now, I used to really enjoy collecting and paining warhammer 40k miniatures. Not sure why I stopped, I really liked it. Other then that I enjoy learning about all kinds of stuff, but mainly how things work, from protons, neutrons and electrons to stars and galaxies!
I'm not much of a reader, haven't really felt the desire to read books as I can imagine stuff very intensely, or I used to. Something really changed me at one point, trying to be 'normal' and abandoning everything I am. That changed now since I found out about AS. Anyway, enough about that. Movies! Well I like a lot of movies, it really depends on my mood. I'm not much of an action movie guy, more the deep, psychology, romance and comedy movies that do it for me. Same for music, I tend to listen to whatever plays my mood. I like piano and violins the most in music, so any music with those is always good hehe.
So yeah, that's me in a nutshell (figure of speech