I've met about 10 online friends in real life. Interestingly enough, the only one to have a bad reaction to me from the getgo was the one diagnosed with AS, although there was another one who acted adversely later on, and he could've had AS too, given his symptoms. Unfortunately, the first friend mentioned here knew of my friendship difficulties with the second one mentioned, and tried to use those difficulties as a tool to hurt me.
That first friend... he knew that I was flying to a different continent just to meet him... he knew how long I was going to be there for... but I didn't know he had AS at the time... everything had to go his way or else he wanted me to go home... spent US$1000 to fly there, only to be told after the second day that I wasn't a friend, and that I should go home... told me that Internet friends weren't real friends, so he pushed me away... yet he continued to try to keep his Internet friends... and then pushed them all away... then tried to get them back... a vicious cycle. I'm kinda thinking now that he wanted friends, but it took so much energy out of him to keep a friendship (I think he forced himself to be something he wasn't, just so that he could increase his chances of keeping the friends, or so he thought), that he just pushed people away when he got tired. Which is too bad, because after that second day, after he made me cry, I just accepted how he was and didn't push him, and he seemed happy to be how he normally is. I don't know. And then his parents told me about his AS, and then everything changed.
The 8 other friends that I met told me that I was extremely funny, and they seemed to want to be able to hang out with me in real life more.
Won't you help a poor little puppy?