I think I usually I kinda seem like I have a lot of surpressed intensity. I sometimes kinda come across as a vulcan, in the sense that I'm too emotional and surpress it constantly and don't know how to let some of it out without letting it all out, so I can sometimes be kinda...dull and monotonous.
I'm way too negative. There are so many things other people enjoy, that I don't.
Whenever I talk about something I DO like or am happy about (usually something that'll help me escape from real life, a la a movie), then I get really giddy and "YAY!"-esq., like the admins of Ain't It Cool News.
I'm very strange, and am an exception to many of the things NT's take for granted. (For example, I can't stand to be in the same room as Mexican food.)
I crack a lot of jokes, most of them fairly crude. Sexual puns are some of my favorites. I also like making examples of the bizarrities of the English language.
I participate in class a lot, answering or asking a lot of questions when nobody else does (which is often the case).
I'm really cynical, mistrusting, and insecure. I rarely have any confidence at all. It's not "Oh god we're all gonna die!" so much as "We're probably gonna die. It's just really likely to happen. My experience has showed me so."
Like Spacecase, I'm really blunt. I don't lie much. I don't say I'm okay when I'm not, and I rarely am.
I'm really idealistic. Kind of an old school romantic. Always wishing for love...always having some ideal, not just a romantic ideal but about anything.
I think I'm just kind of unpleasant unless I'm with one of the very few people I enjoy being around, or I'm trying to be nice. I really want to be an easier person to be around, and in particular, to be more compassionate, but it's so hard when I'm always so unhappy...when I'm always so overwhelmed by the world around me, always so bombarded by one disappointment after another. Nothing in my life has ever been as I wanted it, or even come close...but I wish I had a way to hide it better without being dishonest.