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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Jun 2011, 11:23 pm

I knew this girl back 4 years ago when i was in high school, and i was thinking about adding her as a friend on facebook. I'm afraid i would look like a creep though since my page has one pic and only 6 friends, i'm just starting out with the whole facebook thing. I hate to admit it but i still think about her often even though we were hardly acquaintances. I have never even had a friend that was a girl no less a girlfriend, so somehow it meant something to me to even talk to her at all when i was 17. she was the first girl i was able to exchange more then just a few sentences with, first girl that hugged me as well. I know that sounds realy pathetic, and it is. before i catch any heat, i am not fixated on this girl in any unhealthy way, i do a good job at controlling my emotions when it comes to women and crushes and what not. I see her pic and how much different she is, how she looks like a whore just like all the girls her age nowadays and it makes me feel weird, i don't know...

Ah, just the drunk ramblings of a lonely man.


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02 Jun 2011, 11:45 pm

I'd say go ahead and add her. If she accepts the request, great! If she doesn't (for your supposed 'creepiness') then I'd say she's not someone you'd want as a friend. it works out either way. I have several friends on Facebook who I only were acquaintances of IRL years ago.

Everything would be better if you were in charge.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Jun 2011, 11:54 pm

I'm also afraid my friends may think I'm a creep if she accepts because i have had the account for over 3 months and haven't added any of my friends, the only one i have are ones that requested me. maybe I'm thinking too much into it. do people even look at there friends pages for that matter?


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03 Jun 2011, 2:15 am

Can you not just add all your friends first and then add her? That would bulk up the numbers.

Emu Egg
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05 Jun 2011, 11:06 pm

Only two people know whether you initiated a Friend request or the other person did: you and the other person. Does this person from high school have many Friends on her Facebook account? If so, chances are she'll say, "Oh yeah, BillyJoe from high school. I remember him." *approves request*

As for everyone else who's already Friends with you, they'll see "BillyJoe and GirlFromHighSchool became friends" listed in their updates for a few hours or day, until other messages pushed it away. Might not even see it at all if they have a lot of Friends.

Speaking as someone who's over-thought plenty of things in his time, and shall continue to do so, I'd say you're totally over-thinking this.


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06 Jun 2011, 3:15 pm

BillyJoe wrote:
I'm also afraid my friends may think I'm a creep if she accepts because i have had the account for over 3 months and haven't added any of my friends, the only one i have are ones that requested me. maybe I'm thinking too much into it. do people even look at there friends pages for that matter?

Well if you only had it for 3 months then she probably wont think your a creep, it be different if you had it for a year, but since your still new to facebook i dont think it would be creepy. and yeah they do look at your page, sometimes anyways. how it works is something will pop up on the facebook homepage that says such n such, are friends, on both hers and yours. in case you were wondering if other people know she accepted your request. But no, go ahead and send it


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10 Jun 2011, 11:29 pm

BillyJoe wrote:
I knew this girl back 4 years ago when i was in high school, and i was thinking about adding her as a friend on facebook. I'm afraid i would look like a creep though since my page has one pic and only 6 friends, i'm just starting out with the whole facebook thing. I hate to admit it but i still think about her often even though we were hardly acquaintances. I have never even had a friend that was a girl no less a girlfriend, so somehow it meant something to me to even talk to her at all when i was 17. she was the first girl i was able to exchange more then just a few sentences with, first girl that hugged me as well. I know that sounds realy pathetic, and it is. before i catch any heat, i am not fixated on this girl in any unhealthy way, i do a good job at controlling my emotions when it comes to women and crushes and what not. I see her pic and how much different she is, how she looks like a whore just like all the girls her age nowadays and it makes me feel weird, i don't know...

Ah, just the drunk ramblings of a lonely man.

Enjoy the pint sir !

On a practical note, the number of friends that appear on your profile shouldn't be a factor on sending a friend request or not. No one's account opened with friends instantly added to it.


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12 Jun 2011, 9:03 pm

If you are self-concious about the number of friends on your list, you can always hide your list. Look under the privacy settings section for a way to do this. I'd say add her after you do this, as you will feel more comfortable doing so.

Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.

This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term therapists - that I am an anxious and highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder.

My diagnoses - social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.