The ever-increasing, almost-inescapable, rudely intrusive commercials-&-commercialism!
Faster, faster... and larger, noisier, more shrill, more and more often and more tightly packed ....
["blip-verts" indeed! <-- w/respectful nod to prescient "Max Headroom"]
TV show creators pompously tell us we have no attention span, often using that as an excuse to make schlock (or to defend it), even as they then interrupt their show every 3 minutes with 5 minutes of ads ....
. Not only do they plaster nearly every nano-speck of space and time with screeching shills, now they abruptly leap right into a show they've spent $$ to advertise (splattering themselves across a third or more of the screen), to advertise their
next big thing.
Information-Media ["news"] uses up more and more of its actual news-time ("Give us 22 minutes; we'll give you the world" {oh-yeah; right
}) to desperately tell us what they WILL be telling us about ... right after other, endless, mind-numbing ads ....
And now ... nowhere's safe! Spam-texts on my cell phone!
Grrr .....
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Oh. Well, that helped. Yes, it did! Ok, venting is good, thanks for topic!
Oh, THANK you for making that point! I dislike advertising, especially commercials that BARELY show the product!