Thank you for creating this survey, and for taking an interest in adolescents with ASD.
As someone who just graduated from high school, I think one of the greatest challenges teens with ASD are facing is lack of peer understanding. Most people know from TV what autism/Asperger's is, but when meeting someone with a spectrum disorder in real life, they may lose patience, shun them, make fun of them, etc. It's a shame because when these people watch Rainman or Big Bang Theory or whatever, they get upset when the ASD individual is ostracized. Yet, it is perfectly acceptable for them to do this to people on the spectrum is real life, perhaps because autism is a spectrum disorder and there are many shades of it which do not perfectly match the stereotypical autistic figure, so they attribute atypical behavior to just plain strangeness, not the individual's ASD disorder. I think that just as there is racial equality and anti-bullying education in schools, students need to be taught how to properly treat people with ASD through some sort of education videos. It is a shame that even normally decent people do not show ASD individuals respect/understanding, and that they say some very hurtful things because they don't recognize teens on the spectrum have feelings, too.