Ha ha! Story of my life!
deep-techno wrote:
It would be interesting to see how many people respond to this thread. This is because, even though I am often considered smart, there are some instances when I lack what others perceive as 'common sense'.
Here are some examples that I have done:
- Pouring kettle water into a cup of tea, forgetting to boil it first.
- Making silly but obvious mistakes in maths mock exam papers.
- Forgetting obvious instructions, e.g. when I stayed at a university for a few days and we were being guided to our rooms based on our door keys. For some reason, I nearly went into another room even though it was not that of the key.
- Doing things which seem logical, but come across as stupid to other people, e.g. we were doing some lab work in Chemistry today and we all have our own boxes to keep apparatus in. I put several clamp stands and burettes in there (WITH chemical bottles). Even though I considered it logical and procedural because of the security of having it in MY box (so that I wouldn't have to get new apparatus, I was somewhat told off by my teacher and she said that sometimes I leave my common sense at home.
- Not keeping in touch with current affairs, and sounding slighly inept when asked about them.
Is this explained by Asperger's? I can't think of any other explanation, because if it can lead to motor clumsiness then might it also lead to lack of what is considered 'common sense'? It seems that sometimes, even though I am considered 'clever', I often do things that demonstrate a lack of common sense and give a completely different impression of me.
Does anyone else find this? Is it an annoyance? I'd be interested to hear.
Also noticed someone reply that "not all situations call for logic"! Holy f**k, what am I supposed to do now??? LMAO.
(Glad I have switched to putting this type of comment on Wrongplanet, not Facebook.. I'm, learning