I went through a phase of obsession with manipulating others. Opportunities were everywhere and just too EASY to pass up... this was back when I was too busy being bitter about the inescapable flaws in society and well, humanity to care about hurting people's feelings. Maybe I didn't fully understand the feelings of others, maybe I still don't. Anyway, a man I greatly respected called me on it one day... told me that it was my way of lashing out in anger, that I was taking a gift and turning it into something toxic. Now, if I manipulate someone it's because I'm trying to help them through an issue/make them understand something, rather than just messing with their mind for my own personal entertainment.
Though... if someone crosses me by trying to embarrass me or question my intelligence, it takes a great deal of self-control not to screw with them. Self-esteem issues anyone? I need to grow up and be less passive-aggressive :S
Nobody realizes that most people expend tremendous energy
merely to be normal.
? Albert Camus