Does anyone else enjoy manipulating others?

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Tufted Titmouse
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18 Dec 2011, 9:13 pm

I know its wrong but I tend to enjoy it quite often, not in any malicious way, but still I was just wondering that.


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18 Dec 2011, 9:24 pm

if i can convince someone to quit smoking, it makes my month.


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18 Dec 2011, 9:29 pm

I like doing kinda the opposite where someone has been manipulated (maybe just by themselves) and I say a true thing and they physically can't deal with it and their whole body shakes, I think they have a dissociative episode. I call it bombjacking after the arcade game and referring to mind bombs. I feel far more powerful detonating other people's mind bombs than planting my own.


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18 Dec 2011, 9:44 pm

If someone has really badly wronged me i will "f*k with their heads"
it starts as simple reverse psychology and then turns into a form of manipulation, then i just leave them dangling in the whole they dug themselves and walk off never to talk to them again.

its my form of revenge and it works!! and i dont feel bad from it either...


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18 Dec 2011, 10:10 pm

I went through a phase of obsession with manipulating others. Opportunities were everywhere and just too EASY to pass up... this was back when I was too busy being bitter about the inescapable flaws in society and well, humanity to care about hurting people's feelings. Maybe I didn't fully understand the feelings of others, maybe I still don't. Anyway, a man I greatly respected called me on it one day... told me that it was my way of lashing out in anger, that I was taking a gift and turning it into something toxic. Now, if I manipulate someone it's because I'm trying to help them through an issue/make them understand something, rather than just messing with their mind for my own personal entertainment.
Though... if someone crosses me by trying to embarrass me or question my intelligence, it takes a great deal of self-control not to screw with them. Self-esteem issues anyone? I need to grow up and be less passive-aggressive :S

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19 Dec 2011, 1:48 am

I do not know why, but NTs seem to like to tell me things they should not be telling people. They then have the nerve to act suprised when I tell everyone else at work. Especially if it might lead to a fight or even more embarrassing stuff to be spilled by the people who want to get back. They never see me talking to people so they are suprised when they suddenly see me walking from person to person at work spilling my guts. These same as*holes say stuff about me behind my back all the time so don't feel bad for them. :twisted:

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Sea Gull
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19 Dec 2011, 2:51 am

I wish I could manipulate people.

Blue Jay
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19 Dec 2011, 6:00 am

You mean like pretending to be sick to get attention?
Sure when I was a kid. I also enjoyed harmless pranks and practical jokes. Im quite good at saying things with a deadpan face.
For instance. At a class about sound production(using Cubase and wiring speakers basically).
The teacher mentioned that sound is all vibration and that a sound engineer basically works with machines that vibrate. I mentioned that I was a singer in a band. Does that mean im actually a human vibrator?
Everyone laughed. I kept a straight face.


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20 Dec 2011, 1:02 am

I am not capable of manipulating people. I am way too honest and will never find joy in playing with other people's heads.
Manipulation will lead to greater evils.

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Blue Jay
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20 Dec 2011, 11:09 am

Wow, I'm surprised by this topic on *here*. I couldn't manipulate anyone to save my soul!
I can't even convince them I didn't mean what they thought I meant.
If you know what I mean........

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20 Dec 2011, 11:12 am

Yep, it is indeed fun, and it helps me get things done my way too :P


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20 Dec 2011, 11:17 am

No, even when it would be beneficial for me. I don't think in those terms, like if I say this,he'll think this, then he'll do that. Some people like to play mind f**k games because it makes them feel powerful and intelligent. I don't understand why being powerful has to includes hurting others.
And of course, I would suck at it if I tried.

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20 Dec 2011, 11:21 am

I manipulate to get things done like they should be done not to get things done my way. That doesn't mean I boss over. I just help with certain things without being too controlling. I can't really bother to lie if its no good or if its not for a good cause. I lack the brain to get myself out of messy tangles from lying if I'm stressed - which I am pretty often.


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20 Dec 2011, 1:00 pm

no not really. there's a guy at my school who does tho. i hate his guts (mostly because he likes to pick fights and would tell lies about me.) he's an aspie like me but he defidently was never a good guy. i can tell he's doing this to b an arse whole, not just because he doesn't understand. i know he's not THAT clueless.


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20 Dec 2011, 2:59 pm

I manipulate people almost constantly, however for me it's unintentional... When I'm trying to sound 'normal' and try wording everything like they do I end up manipulating them. I have been called out on it a couple times...
When I manipulate someone I usually feel well kind of powerful :twisted: , but the guilt is 10x stronger :? . For me twisting peoples words or manipulation feels a bit like hurting a defenceless animal... :? (On retrospect I think that's why I feel powerful, because people use to hurt me when I was defenceless and now I do it back. And guilty because I know what it's like in a way...)

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20 Dec 2011, 5:04 pm

I don't like to manipulate people, but I would like to have friends I could go out and chill if hanging out with people just to hang out with people and try to make connections with people who could maybe help me out in life is considered manipulation than I guess I am guilty. But I have good intentions.

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