i can't speak for others, but i can certainly speak for myself about it. let's face it, we like loneliness. we only engage in society because we have to. if we weren't required, or expected to have a certain minimum of social interactions, that we have to perform to get mere basics of life, we would never do it.
i was never a social person. it gave me lots of time to think as myself. to be natural. to formulate my own ideas, my own concepts, my own theories of this world, without external influence. these thoughts would remain with me till this hour, clean, cherished thoughts that i get my guidance from, for unfortunately, it's not as easy for me today to formulate them, with all the social *rituals* i have to undertake everyday. i miss those days, but at the same time, i realize i can't have them again if i ever want to build a proper life, and be someone.
the true benefit of being unsocial, is that your time is your time. it's no one else's. you don't have to worry about people, you don't have to think of people, you don't have to be with people. and you can get busy with your own world, building endless dreams. this is not something to be ashamed of. we all dream, we all build our futures from dreams, we all formulate our principles from dreams. once you're social, that's a privilege you lose.
i truly miss my days of being left alone. i truly miss the days when i don't have to be a professional actor trying hard to pretend i'm a normal social person.. but oh well... sometime you have to pay a little price to get what you want...