Depends on which friend. Last summer I went to see a friend I haven't seen in years. We spent the weekend at his mothers house, about 200 miles away. I grew up with him and he's like a brother to me. We spent our time together doing yard work for his mother, eating, talking - (all that old "remember when" stuff, and what everybody is doing now), watching tv, and listening to music. The first night we sat on the back porch and drank vodka and smoked cigarettes.
My other friend (the one who lives near me) with her, we just sit around in her livingroom. We talk to each other on FB when we are four feet from each other. She's on it on her phone, I'm on it on her laptop. We also drink vodka. Sometimes we eat hamburgers. One time we did drink a lot of vodka and then dress up in extremely dressy evening gowns and sat around her livingroom talking to each other on FB.
My kids mainly play video games, watch tv or movies, or listen to music when they hang out with their friends. Occasionally they do activities that take them out of the house.
When I was in my teens, we used to ride around in cars to hang out. Gas was cheap then though. Sometimes someone would have two beers they snuck out of their parents house and we shared them, and sometimes somebody had cigarettes, or even pot. Oooooh, pot lol.
That's pretty much it. It's not exciting.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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