Hi there, everybody.
I am looking for friendships with men and women preferably 18+ years of age. I am 22 years of age, Straight Male, in the US.
I guess why I am here is because I am an Autistic that actually craves some positive social interaction. I've made a thread here in the "Getting To Know Each other" Forum Section, that actually had decent results. I got over a handful of PM's, and two or three of these people I still talk to on a regular basis. They are nice to talk to, I often talk their heads off though, and they tend to be busy a lot, or lack energy. Here is the LINK to the thread by the way. I'm not looking to move on from these people, I would just like to make some more friends on here, and get that inbox some more much needed attention you know?
I enjoy, a good laugh(I can laugh at almost anything) my favorite comedian has to be "Doug Stanhope" for his witty and controversial humor, philosophical chit chat, picking brains as well as having mine picked(not literally), and overall just random chatter about whatever is going on that day for you, me, and parts of the world.
I obtained my GED years ago. I have no job, nor do I live on my own at the moment. I do have the money to support myself though, and my intentions are to obtain a job and an apartment soon so I can become far more independent than I am now. My ideal job would be involving animals, I hope to become a Zoologist/Herpetologist one day, it is a dream of mine. I love animals and I know a lot about them so to be around them for my job would barely seem like work to me.
I do martial arts as a hobby. Really like to swim. I find it fascinating to read, hear about and learn about health, cooking delicious food both good and not good for you, and of coarse eating it. I am a fat kid at heart, I actually used to be quite overweight, but I lost over 50 lbs and am now healthy and muscular. That don't mean I'm some food/health nazi though, I love food of all kinds. Music is another passion of mine, all music really., I like it all. I really dig psychedelic rock, old metal, and old bluesy music lately. At the moment, I've dedicated myself to playing the harmonica. Luckily for me the blues and the harmonica go hand in hand! I also own an electric guitar and an acoustic, but I'm not very good at them. Honestly, I'm complete rubbish, but one day I'll improve! Harmonica is the instrument of choice for now.
I am a active person, although very laid back. I don't worry about petty things, am a no B/S kinda guy. I enjoy the company of genuine good people. I am accepting of both AS and NT. One of my first friends who I met here was an NT, they are nice. Hmm I'm not so sure what else to type here. I think if anyone is interested by what I've typed here, or think they might be interested in my personality, or you just wanna go out on a limb and try to make a nice and somewhat cool friend, gimme a hollar.
Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face