I think omitting certain details or generalizing, like when someone asks "how are you" and you say "not too bad." "pretty good" those aren't nessesarily lies. If you're having a real bad day, you could say "I'm hanging in there." But in those few seconds when you're answering that question of "how are you" you're trying to put a positive spin on something as to not throw negative energy in the air by saying something like "I'm actually doing really sh***y, thanks for asking ass."
In a way, that person asking how you are, is challenging you to find the positive spin on your day, or, challenges you to say something nice so the other person doesn't feel bad, thus making you a pretty decent person in my book......
This is different than making up elaborate stories or saying things that are completely false. People know when you're lying, and it makes them feel bad because they have to play along. At least I thiknk this is the case, I need more coffee........sleepy....
?Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.?