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10 Dec 2012, 9:08 pm

I won't argue that Friendship is a great thing, however it can be unpredictable. You don't know when the other person is pack up their bags and leave.

It's happen to me too many times. I still haven't gotten used to the feeling. I'm not sure if I will.


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10 Dec 2012, 10:36 pm

chessimprov wrote:
Here's a cool article on finding a friend that I ran in to.

Reading stuff like that makes me sad because I already knew all of that stuff and have tried most of the things they suggest and it is still hard.

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12 Dec 2012, 1:34 pm

ShamelessGit wrote:
richardbenson wrote:
Friendships are boats with friends on them. I want to go so bad but I need a credit card to access Friendships
you're funny.
I was trying to use the situation you are in for my entertainment. according to you this is what friendships are all about

Last edited by richardbenson on 12 Dec 2012, 1:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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12 Dec 2012, 1:34 pm

well friendship for me is about trust and tolerance

Dealing with many people each day is very hard for me, and having AS makes it
even harder to know if their genuinely concerned about you or want to screw
you over.

It's difficult trying to read social cues and emotions of people, whether they
are faking it or if it's real

My very few friends in life have been the ones who have tolerated my weird behaviour
and who have always been there to help me out.


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14 Dec 2012, 11:59 am

Friendship to me is when you meet someone special. Even if they might have nothing in common with you, there's that certain feeling and bond between you. You have your whole trust in them, you like spending time with them, you can say anything to them without feeling like a fool. You can have a really good time with them. :)


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14 Dec 2012, 3:48 pm

Friendship. like any relationship, needs to be mutually appreciated and respected.

I do agree friends are for occasions. However, if she is there for you when you need her, the that should be reciprocated.

I have a friend whom I was helpful to, when she was down because I had a bf at the time and she didn't. She had time for me and I had time for her (I made time for her).

Then, when she found a boyfriend, she never saw me again. She ignores me and spends every single weekend with her boyfriend. I don't need to spend time with her much, but to be cast aside? That's just not fair.


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20 Dec 2012, 12:06 am

What she was telling you is that there was a lack of reciprocity, both in practical and emotional terms, in your friendship. A lack of reciprocity changes the balance of power. If the balance of power changes enough or too much, the friendship ends.

In my experience: the multiple times she has tried to tell you are, in themselves, warnings of the coming termination of the friendship if nothing changes. If nothing changes, the friendship will end soon as a result of that. Just because she is not talking about it still does not mean that it is not a problem. She has stated the problem and you offered no solutions. If there are no solutions enacted within a certain period of time, she will end the friendship. Since you did not participate in attempting to find a solution, and the lack of reciprocity is coming from you, she has left it up to you to solve yourself.

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21 Dec 2012, 2:17 am

Friendship, as we were all taught, is a lie perpetrated by Hollywood and the Media.

In truth, friends are freeloaders who want to use your stuff and will discard you when you no longer serve a purpose.

Friends cannot be trusted.