Do people think you think you know everything?

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21 Jul 2010, 10:19 am

No, actually people just used me for my knowledge. Although they'd assume because I've lived near Grand Rapids (the biggest city near me) that I must know everything about it, when in reality I rarely go there...

But my girlfriend actually likes that I am smart lol


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21 Jul 2010, 10:26 am

Yes. Espically about meerkats, bearded dragons and animals. Whenever someone had to do a school report on a certian animal, I was always asked. I basicaly did my neice's project on giraffes for her and she got an A+. My best friend often says that if she ever has to do an animal project, she is going to ask to do two so she can get extra credit but in reality, I'd do the secound one for her. I'd know she was extorting and she'd have to confess to the teacher what he plans really were because I wouldn't do it. I'd help her but not do it for her.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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21 Jul 2010, 9:36 pm

People tend to think I'm a mentally restarted smart-a$$. I do not explain things well & I do odd things that seem pointless to others & I also tend to obsess about things no one but me seems to care about. I also ask questions trying to understand things & people think I'm stupid. But I also answer questions in ways people find rude or I'll give em advice or point out something they may of missed & people think I'm being a smart-a$$

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22 Jul 2010, 12:11 pm

I have come to find that when accusations of "knowing everything" are made as if it's a bad thing, this seems to stem from one of two root causes:

a) The other person is not capable of logically defending his/her position in a discussion, knows this, and fears it may be necessary, thus seeks to head you off; or

b) The other person is insecure about his/her own intellectual abilities (whether consciously or not), and resents your ability to recall information when needed, even if this is only on the topics of your perseverations.

My wife and cohusband, on the other hand, seem to believe I really do know everything - and will thus ask me for clarification when, for instance, they are confused by subtext in a news story (because they don't read the entire news section of the morning paper). They also know that if they ask me a question, and I don't happen to know the answer offhand, I will research the matter, and at the first opportunity I will present them with the requested information, which will be presented as factually and objectively as possible.

They also know that if a given topic is not a matter of pure fact, but involves opinion as well (politics, say, or theology), I will not only present my own arguments as rationally as possible, but will also listen to what they have to say and consider their own positions. We have occasionally changed one another's minds on certain topics this way...

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22 Jul 2010, 9:31 pm

Wow, I wish I had a family like yours. We never talk about anything worth discussing, and we certainly don't expect our children to know what's going on in the world. Well, now I know how I'm raising my own family. :)

People think that I think I know everything; that I'm pretentious (I'm much more preCOCIOUS). It's not my fault I like to learn everything I can.


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23 Jul 2010, 8:07 am

I get called "Sheldon" at school and home.
Though were he fails to shows any emotion or sigh of NT sarcasm. I do have those. I'm also not that smart, no were near that smart.

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23 Jul 2010, 8:11 am

What if you do know everything though?

Then your covers blown, your gonna have to take um down clean without arousing any suspicion least anyone else finds out that you know everything there is to know.


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23 Jul 2010, 8:31 am

Definately a big yes for me. People think I can read minds.


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24 Jul 2010, 9:01 pm

I have a couple friends/acquaintances who say I know everything, but not in a know-it-all sort of way. Other people just think it's weird when I correct them on some random thing no one else would know.

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.


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24 Jul 2010, 10:04 pm

I also grew up in a family with tons of books and we always watched documentaries. We did not discuss them much though.

I make good money being a walking, talking know it all. People think I know everything and they think I am never wrong. Most people I know including my family, expect me to be that way. New people are sometimes offended because they are jealous or confused by my matter of fact statements, but that is rare. I work hard at not sounding superior, but some people will always take it that way.

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28 Jul 2010, 9:22 am

Poppycocteau wrote:
Yes! My family would say things like:

"You don't always have to be right."

"You think you're better than everyone else."

"You don't always have to have the last word."

"You are so arrogant."

And my personal favourite:

"You always think you're right!"

Of course I think I'm right! The person I was talking also thought they were right, which is why the dispute/discussion existed in the first place! Why would anyone ever bother saying anything in the first place unless they thought what they were saying was right?! Is it somehow my fault that I don't find any of their views a good reason to change my own opinion? Bizarre.

:shrug: All I was ever doing was talking to them and stating my opinions, as far as I was aware. I avoid talking to my family now.

I so agree with this. The more time I spend on WP, the more I realize how non-NT I am. This really jumped out at me. Ever since I was little, they would tell me "I didn't have to have the last word", which would only piss me off more. It takes two to argue, why am I the one at fault? :evil:

I'm an only child from a very small family, and I don't remember the family having many intellectual pursuits, but I sure did. First it was an obsession with Harry Houdini, then Egyptology, then physics- all before high school. My parents don't possess anywhere near my vocabulary or general knowledge on academic subjects, but as NT's, they find it much easier to go to school and have fulfilling careers, while I sit at home jobless studying nuclear fission. :(


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28 Jul 2010, 11:32 am

Chronos wrote:
I come from a family big on discussion and critical thinking. My grandparents expected their children and grandchildren to be well educated and up on current issues. My family was big on educational magazines like National Geographic and Scientific American, and if anyone ever had a question on something, they were expected to seek the answer.

Wow - your whole post, has had a profound emotional scramble on me.
Not many things do that and when they do, I usually need to really think as to why that is happening to me.
However, with your post, I know why it is happening the moment I read it.
For me, this sounds like Utopia and is so completely different from what I have experienced.
Thank you so very much for sharing this - I honestly mean that with all of my heart and soul

When we all got together we would discuss current issues in the world or science, and expected to express our views freely. If anyone disagreed on some point they would say so, and express their view.

Do you have any idea how lucky you are for this? One of my major issues that will send me into a downward spiral to depression, is based around this. Simply not having someone to do that with. I have known one person that I could do this with and now, we do not speak.

I find, however, that individuals, interpret my way of communication as me thinking I know everything, and respond in quite a resentful manner on occasion.
This upsets me. I never once prevented them from sharing their own views and do not understand why they would not share them if I have said something incorrect. I expect to be corrected if I am incorrect. It would be rude, and entirely illogical not to point it out to a person.

**Please notice the slight changes I have made to your quoted statement here**
Because I have no family, I removed family references, so that your statement best suites me - hope that is ok.
This may sound, odd or maybe I word it wrong, but for me, it is not just that I expect to be corrected if I am wrong,
I want strongly to be corrected. I have even said to people, 'if I am incorrect, please tell me, show me how I am incorrect - I honestly want to know.'
Even when I have made some post, I have said, 'this is how I see it/believe it to be, if you feel other wise or know this is wrong, please tell me, please show me.'
I feel like I am begging to be shown how I am wrong - when I was a child, how I was shown I was 'wrong' was with the back of their hand and a simple NO that is wrong' - sorry, that is not showing me or teaching me anything, but fear to speak/voice my opinion.
I have also been told I word things weirdly - which can lead to people misunderstanding me and then they get mad/frustrated and then they will tell me I am wrong - when in fact they are actually arguing with me, about something we completely agree on and to me, they have even proved my point even more. But when I try to reword it, so they can see that I am saying the same thing, they accuse me of just trying to change my beliefs about it so I do not seem stupid - No I am trying to show them that we are thinking the same way.
Sadly, occasionally one person will also see that I am saying the same thing as the other(s) and if they voice that, they get assulted basically about not understanding it either. :( this happened just recently.

I have also ended up being accused of arrogance, when I have basically been begging someone to correct me if I am wrong.

But yet I find many individuals who prefer to keep their mouth shut and only open it to nastily accuse me of thinking that I think I know everything when I was just trying to have a conversation with the person and expected them to share what they might know or perceive.
Does anyone else have this problem?

So, to answer your question, yes. Too often. And it is one of the reasons, I feel I will always be alone, and now that I have experienced what it was like to not be completely alone, I know now what it feels like to feel lonely as well. If that makes any sense, I do not know.

I just know, that since I have lost that one person I could truly be myself with, who I could debate, argue and laugh with and share common and so many interest in, I now understand why people would ask me if the loneliness never bothered me. I did not know loneliness or understand it.
I was used to being alone and doing things on my own, as I never had known anyone that liked so much of what I like - So in a way, I liked being alone, because I could get lost in my thoughts, do what I liked without having to 'talk'. Now I do not so much and because of that, understanding/knowing the 'feelings' that go with lonely part of me wishes, I never knew what it was like to have the other side of the coin.

Sorry, I really am unsure if I explained that very well.. or if I sound slightly off track with the last bit, but for me, it is all connected..

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24 Feb 2013, 12:43 pm


What best methods, or second best methods are there regarding dealing with "People that say 'You think you know everything!'" ?