Briareos wrote:
I must be the only person here who doesn't mind this. Sure, it's inconvenient that they might have caught me off guard, but otherwise it's not that annoying.....
I think maybe you don't understand what reaction is happening to maybe some of us. It's not just annoying or inconvenient, which is a pretty "normal" reaction. Speaking for myself, an unexpected knock at the door or call on my phone
actually adrenalizes my brain and body quite unpleasantly, almost to very, very mild but none the less unpleasant panic.
I've had this negative reaction ever since I can remember. It goes back to childhood. There's obviously something wrong with me mentally or neurologically, regarding this.
It's not just "annoying" for me -- speaking for my own version of this experience, I'm clearly suffering from an abnormal set of reactions to something that others cope with completely without problems.
I have an overly developed
something -- overly developed need to not be surprised/disturbed/have my privacy invaded suddenly -- obviously it's a malfunctional thing some of us are speaking of.