Kaizen wrote:
I think that my mind has scripts inside of it that I try to use for social interaction.
On the rare occasions that I've had a girlfriend, I have liked touching a lot. I'm also OK with shaking hands, getting a medical exam, getting a massage, etc. However, when I don't have a "script" for the situation, I get very uncomfortable with touching and being touched.
Yes, "script" is a good term. I can function if I know that a touch is comiing and that I have a prepared response to it.
I dislike shaking hands. I had a job once where I had to meet people all the time. I built a script for shaking hands: make sure palm is dry, prepare for physical contact, make sure to apply proper pressure, make brief eye contact, smile slightly, do not allow target to realize that I though touching him or her was disgusting. I don't have that job anymore. Probably a good thing.
Getting a massage sounds like torture. I had a kink in my back at work once, one of my coworkers though she'd be helpful and give me a back rub. I quickly told her that it wasn't necessary, a very unpleasant experience. It didn't help that I didn't like the person.
Doesn't play well with others.