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31 Oct 2015, 2:26 pm

Holla! I'm 27 years old and hail from England, specifically the north-west.

I'm somewhat of a contradiction; to an extent I'm asocial, but I get lonely too and I do enjoy a good tête-à-tête when I find somebody who I can connect with. I have a very active mind, an active imagination, and I find that most people - and the observance of social etiquette - stifles that aspect of me too much.

To be brief, I studied PPE and so I'm a bit of a politics geek. I play video games (mainly on PC) and find nothing better than laughter.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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31 Oct 2015, 3:04 pm

I'm 19, from Southwest United States. Going to school for a dual degree in Biomedical Sciences and Psychology, though despite my inclinations in science, not all too great at math. Have always had difficulty connecting with people, especially speaking, forming coherent ideas/thoughts and translating them to spoken word. I really like videogames, music, anime, programming, philosophy and nature, among a bunch of other things.

I'm a pretty lonely person and I appreciate anyone who initiates...rarely do I have the courage to do it myself.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Nov 2015, 9:02 am


19, female, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
I am a university student studying Philosophy, Sociology and Anthropology.

I love Harry Potter, and Disney and fantasy.
Books, movies, art, tv, food, is my life I guess.

I love animals, love cats.

I am friendly I think, so don't be scared to say hi!

Grammar Geek

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01 Nov 2015, 12:35 pm

All right, let's give this a shot.

I'm a 19-year-old male who lives in Kansas. I like reading, grammar, geography, The Simpsons, baseball, Pokémon, and theatre. I'm trying to find a friend somewhere, because the only two friends I have live on the other side of Missouri and I rarely get to see them.

I go to a community college now, but I'm going to transfer next year and study journalism. I have a Skype account, so if anyone shares these interests or finds me remotely interesting, send me a message. :)


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05 Nov 2015, 2:31 pm

Hi I'm Tom, im 20 lived in London all my life
. I first discovered i had autism at 16 when i got in trouble and my mum explained to them i had autism however i knew from a young age there was something different about me.

I'm currently studying accounting and business at university . I hope to go onto ACCA afterwards so then i am a fully chartered accountant afterwards. However there are some areas in which im weak at . I have also thought about being an investment banker as i liked practising on the forex market on an app called oanda.

I work part time in catering which is stressfull at times dealing with angry and agressive customers.

I enjoy anything to do with technology .enjoy playing video games on ps4 . My social life has suffered due to existing friends going to university due to friends moving away. Friends at university seem to be just friends due to the situation and due to living at home i have no other friends apart from some on my course.

I generally like american comedy movies such as 21 jump street etc. My favourite tv shows of all time are Narcos sopranos breaking bad .

Music - into hip hop rap grime

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 19 Oct 2015
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16 Nov 2015, 1:02 am

Hi my name is Katie and I'm 19 years old. I was diagnosed with Aspergers recently and with ADHD around age 15. I'm quite the odd one compared to the norm. I enjoy watching neurosurgeries and historical documentaries (especially holocaust related). I'm currently at a 2 year community college and hoping to transfer to Stanford. I want to major in Neuroscience with a history minor emphasis on WW2. I love reading nonfiction, journalism, and working on my newest research endeavor. I also love Tae Kwon Do, Boxing, and MMA!

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Nov 2015, 4:33 pm

Hey, I'm Bruna, I'm 20 years old, I hope I can make friends, snail mail and email :)


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21 Nov 2015, 5:43 pm

idk if I posted here of not already, I don't think I did.

I'm Jake, I'm 21, living in the Pacific NW, and I am also self diagnosed as an aspie.
I'm in school for a Bachelor's degree in technical studies. I really like photography a lot, especially macro photography, I actually would have gotten a degree in photography, if arts degrees didn't cost like $1,000,000,000. I'm sort of "shy", and don't really know anyone where I live. Um, I don't really know what else to say, mini bios are hard, actually any sort of bio is hard...

Anyone who wants to feel free to PM me.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Nov 2015, 6:03 pm

Hi, I am Mustafa. I was born in Iraq but came to Norway when I was 8 years old. Now I am 29. I ilke to discuss more than reading and writing, but I do like reading and writing. I like guitar. And I used to live a life that was wide before, but now currently I am lazy. I do have Asperger diagnosis. Psychology interests me. And I am Muslim.



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24 Nov 2015, 7:00 pm

Hi my name is James I live in London and have an interest in History,Reading,Psychology,Computers and am looking to learn programming and potentialy start out as a junior programmer hopefully by this time next year.

I also like Video games mainly console RPGs like Fallout,Elder scrolls as well as the occasional historical strategy game such as Rome,Rome 2,,Europa IV ect on steam.

Even though I have been a member for a few years I never really used the site so it would be great to make some friends that I can talk to about shared experiences or interests with also any programmers out there please do contact me with some info :wink: for starting out in the tech sector can never have enough good information :lol:

But yer in a nutshell if you would like to talk or add me on Ps4/Twitter or even if you know of any good Asperger's social meetups in London that I can look up (trust me I have been looking) drop me a Pm I'm a friendly dude :)


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01 Dec 2015, 7:39 am


I am Jerrall, I am 22 and in London.

I am interested in the following things:

Baking: I bake about once a week. I've also have had a tea party for my 21th birthday.

Cats: I love cats a lot. I wish to have two of my own one day. I would call them Amy and Lilly/Lucy.

Pokémon: I am a fan of the Pokémon games. I've played all the main games and two of the spin offs (Pokemon Shuffle and Rumble world) I love cute Pokémon, my favourite Pokémon are Plusle (<3), Togetic and Mew.

Medical biology: I have a huge passion for medical biology. I've had this since I was young. My favourite body system is the endocrine system, my favourite body part is the hypothalamus and my favourite hormone is currently FSH.

History: I quite like ancient history. I find the Romans and the Egyptians fascinating. I play city builder games that are based on those two era of history.

Power Rangers/Super Sentai: Evert since I was young I've been a fan of Power Rangers. My favourite season is the 4th one (Zeo), my favourite megazord is the Super Zeo megazord. I didn't collect any of the toys really, I only had the Red dragon thunderzord, the tigerzord and the ninjaforg zord. I didn't start collecting until 2011. I discovered Super Sentai in 2010 due to Gaoranger vs Super sentai. I started collecting sentai robos last year. I currently have 12 megazords and 4 sentai robos.

I also like Dragonball and comics.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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03 Dec 2015, 12:48 pm

Hi, V here ... I realized I was Aspie-ish fairly recently, when I began to wonder about my youngest. Then, I started thinking about my 'odd' grandfather and it dawned on me that I haven't just felt 'different' all my life ... I AM a little off! Anyway, bottom line is, other than family, I haven't managed to keep a single friend in all my adventures. I've made a couple that I thought would be life-long, but my weirdness has managed to help me remain a fairly solitary dude. I read a bit; have worked in the book selling biz for more than half my adult life; love word games (lately, mostly Word Streak, but some WWF and Word Feud); enjoy science and flights of scientific thought; I find religion fascinating, but am an ardent atheist. There is much, much more to me, so say hi if you're looking for other aspies to connnect to. I'm terrible with people, so things might be awkward at times :)


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21 Dec 2015, 3:34 am

Female, 33, United States. I enjoy reading about biology, genetics, anthropology, linguistics. I'm currently teaching myself Mandarin. I enjoy keeping myself physically fit by eating healthy, strength training and enjoying the outdoors (in pleasant weather).

I have no friends and haven't had any since I was a teenager. I have extreme tactile hypersensitivity, and am also very sensitive to smells.

I like cats more than any other animal and tend to understand animals more than people.

I tend to be in the middle when it comes to political views. As far as religion, I consider myself an agnostic.

I love video games but try not to play because I become too engrossed in them and will ignore my responsibilities.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Dec 2015, 1:35 pm

Hi :D I am Anneliese, 28, female from just outside London, UK. I was formally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in October this year.

I have tried a variety of jobs, but not found the 1 for me yet. I have been working as an Elf at Santa's Grotto for 5 years, every Christmastime. I also used to work in veterinary practices and love animals, especially cats and I have a 21 and a half year old black and white called Tom.

I was a Volunteer Performer in the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony and I volunteer at big athletics events following the Olympics, but I don't have any background in sport!

I like walking, photography and going out with friends. I love playing crazy golf, but I am quite particular about the rules. :lol: I enjoy chatting 1 to 1 but I am the quiet 1 in a group. I have quite a few friends but only 1 who I know has Asperger's Syndrome. So I would love to meet more people who I might have a few things in common with, or might understand what I am talking about. :lol:

So feel free to message me. :D

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 9 Aug 2015
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31 Dec 2015, 5:04 pm

I'll be 19 on August 12th, and I would like to find a mentor who also has Autism, when you want, Private Message me!

I have Autism but people usually just don't notice, so my slight Autism is here to SHINE! :)
Some will, some won't, so what, whatever!
Avid blogger.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Jan 2016, 9:22 pm

Hi, I'm Henry. I'm 26 years old and I live in the eastern area of Kentucky. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome when I was nine.

I work as an HVAC Technician for my father. Lots of driving around. I work inside a lot of houses, some fancy and some not. I meet lots of different people, some interesting and some not. I absolutely hate installing furnaces, but doing the repair work isn't so bad. There's also lots of interesting things to see on the road when you're out and about for your work, so that part's not too bad. I really want to own my own business, though. I've always been fascinated by it. Currently saving up money so I can do just that eventually, but it's gonna be a long time coming.

As far as pets go, I have a dog named Jack, two cats named Ricochet and Velcro, and two chickens that are unnamed and live in my backyard. I'm entertaining the notion of getting a goat or a pig. I've been told pygmy goats are adorable, so I might get one or two of those. My yard is certainly big enough for it. I prefer the company of animals to people in most cases.

I spend most of my spare time reading, playing games or chatting with people I know on forums and my friends on Skype. I don't use facebook, never saw the point in it. Come springtime I'll be getting out my new motorized tiller and tearing up the ground to plant stuff for food. Last year I only planted tomatoes, but the year before that I planted the three sisters and the year before that I had a whole bunch of carrots, lettuce heads, beans and potatoes. Looking to expand this year and plant as much tasty stuff as I can. I enjoy spending time in the yard, digging and weeding and mulching and composting. There's something soothing about the work, even if I don't like the mud that comes with it >.>

If anyone wants to be friends with me, contact me and I'll give you my Skype details or we can just exchange PMs on this site.