the_phoenix wrote:
My opinion?
Don't give up.
Truth is, most people in the world don't want to be friends ... with you, with me, with whoever. They find their "inner circle" and that's enough for them, they stop looking.
My grandmother used to always say that if you had two or three good friends, you were doing good ... and that the other people who claimed to be "friends" were usually fake. And she was a down-to-earth NT, very friendly and excellent at making small talk, loved getting together with people, etc.
And you know, people seem even more narcissistic nowadays than in my grandmother's time ... But there are still decent people out there today. You just have to look harder, and not settle for the wrong people.
True friends are a
treasure worth looking for,
and worth making the first move
to find.
Yeah. I totally agree with this. Most people are happy with their little clique and don't look to expand.
It's frustrating being that one person who isn't in any group and you're not automatically included and you always have to be the one going up to them and doing the initiating.
It makes me feel worthless and unwanted, but phoenix is right, keep looking, there are good people out there.