wilt20000 wrote:
I think it would be nice to have a new friend, but it is so hard to come off in a socially acceptable manner long enough to make new friends. It's easy to say the wrong thing when getting to know somebody and suddenly they find me unappealing to the point where I am often just ignored or just plain unwanted.
The same thing seems to happen to me, man. I want and need more friends and am trying to make an effort to get more friends. However, it's often hard for me to be socially assertive and when I try to be more socially assertive, I sometimes turn people off. This very thing has happened to me in dealing with a new friend of mine recently. I unintentionally acted in a socially unacceptable manner and said the wrong things, which has scared him off for now. But I guess people like us just have to learn by trial and error. Practice makes perfect and hopefully, eventually, we'll behave in a way that will make somebody want to be friends with us and maybe even overlook our quirks and flaws.