Indeed - but I have been told that you must be careful with emotional people when encouraging them to stay positive and realistic, because they interpret this as you telling them to "just get over it" and "invalidating feelings."
For instance if someone is having a hard time and says, as you note, that their life sucks and you respond the way you note above, they may interpret this as you not taking their feelings seriously or giving those feelings due consideration, and just behaving as if their feelings are insignificant.
At least, that's what I've been told.
You also must be careful you're not just in denial - insisting that everything is fine and wonderful when really it isn't, and acknowledging that it isn't may lead to you fixing the problem or getting assistance.
But as to saying life sucks - I also don't like others saying this to me, which they frequently do - "man it must suck to be you!" Or otherwise telling me all about how much harder I have it than others, how many problems I have in life compared to the norm, etc. I don't need to be told that. I just deal with what I have to, and make the best of that. I don't need to be told that it's much better for everyone else and my situation in life sucks.
Alexithymia - 147 points.