I find it very hard to stop myself doing this.
When I know an interaction is coming, I can spend hours pacing around, stimming, and trying to write a "script" for every possible permutation of what I should say and what responses I might get (all of which are worthless when "line one" doesn't go to plan, as I well know by now.)
During a conversation, the analysing quite often just leaves me unable to contribute, as I get so wrapped up in what was said previously that I'm no longer following what other people are saying. I just don't feel that I can speak up until I am confident that I didn't miss something which was implied by non-literal language or some unspoken context that I might have not taken into account.
And then afterwards, more of the pacing and stimming, as I analyse all the parts of the conversation which I didn't comprehend at the time, and cringeing at the parts which I think I may have got wrong as I imagine what the consequences of that might be.
Randomosity's suggestion of putting things down in writing is a good one, especially for the post-conversation analysis - it is so easy to reason in never ending circles, and this is a very good way to prevent that I find. Besides that, I find that it helps to remind myself:
- No-one else can predict what another person is going to say either, and no-one else knows what my "script" is, so how could they possibly stick to it?
- There is no shame in staying silent if you have nothing to contribute. I find that most people don't even notice if there is a "quiet" person in the conversation, so long as there is someone who does speak up.
- Everybody has "brain farts" where they get distracted or miss the context. Asking for clarification is rarely as embarrassing as I imagine it is going to be. If you think that the point you missed is really important, don't be afraid to admit that you lost the thread.
- A trusted friend who will tell you whether you really did mess up or not is like gold (my sincere apologies to those for whom this is sore point if you have no such friend.)
- If people got the impression that you were joking or being facetious, laughing along with them is an easy way to defuse the situation. Everybody has to say "OMG, that was so stupid of me" sometimes.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.