I've worked with some incredibly audacious chiselers, people who will wait til everyone else has chipped in for a group lunch restaurant bill and then put in literally 50 cents (thereby ripping off the waitstaff, whose tip they just effectively stole, and their co-workers, who now either have to confront the jerk, add more money of their own to compensate for the theft of the tip, or go back to the waiter and ask for separate checks after the fact.)
They always seem to be well paid professionals, spoiled rotten by their management.
And this is a conscious, deliberate behavior.
But Aspies are the problem children.
[Esmerelda's method of dealing with this: after seeing it ONCE - I asked for a separate check everywhere, every time, and if told that could not be done, I'd move to my own table and order separately if I had to. So help me.]
[There was one clown who actually tried to stiff me for his ENTIRE BILL, by pretending to have left his wallet in the office. I looked at him and said, "Oh that's a shame, thank God I got a separate check. I can pay mine and run back to the office to bring you your wallet. Hang on, I'll go explain this to the manager, OK? Give me the key to your desk." Surprise, surprise, he then "discovered" his wallet in "the wrong pocket". Yeah, this clown was an M.D. too. And no, I never, ever, ever ate with him anywhere ever again.]
[And just for the record: I've worked in several other countries, and I NEVER saw this stunt pulled ANYWHERE outside the USA. Ever.]
"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people," said the man. "You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides."
-- Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!