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18 Jul 2018, 1:09 pm

Last night I was on my way off to head home from work when I was on the elevator with another woman and we seemed to have a nice conversation until she started mentioning how tiny my feet are which I did not know what to make of it.

Later on, I ran into a neighbor of an adult child on the spectrum and happened to tell her about and she thought I was taking it the wrong way. She said that the woman was making a compliment and that I was too sensitive and that my autism doesn't allow me to get those kinds of compliments.

Honestly, those kinds of compliments don't make sense to me and I don't consider them to be "Compliments," but rather more along the lines of cattiness.

What do some of you think?


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18 Jul 2018, 1:10 pm

Well ... you know what they say about men with small feet ...


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18 Jul 2018, 1:16 pm

For women that's generally considered a compliment.

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18 Jul 2018, 6:38 pm

Yep. Definitely a compliment.

Women would kill to have small feet, usually.

Women feel that small feet make them feminine, and make them attract men.


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18 Jul 2018, 8:30 pm

Probably a compliment. My feet are very large for a woman and I know that mention of their size would never be positive.

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18 Jul 2018, 8:40 pm

I can see where you could take it wrong and not understand they were trying to give you a compliment. :)

Once I was visiting a friend and during our conversation about weight-loss and gain, I said I know I am not to fat because I can stand straight up and look down and see my feet. So my friend says to me, have you ever considered you have big feet. Of course she mean't it as a joke and we both laughed ourselves silly over it, but I could have taken that comment wrong depending on who said it and my frame of mind at that time. But that is just me and my weird sense of humor.

I am not trying to make light of your feelings but lots of times depending on a mood or if we are tired or sad things mean't one way can be taken instead in a negative light. Boy do I ever have problems with that in social settings.

Anyways, I hope your feeling better about the comment.


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18 Jul 2018, 9:16 pm

Some people are into tiny feet.

Sounds like it's just an observation to me, rather than being "catty". Possibly a compliment though, depending on her tone of voice. But maybe she was genuinely surprised by your diminutive tootsies.

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18 Jul 2018, 9:43 pm

I think she meant it to be a compliment.


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19 Jul 2018, 11:57 am

I have dealt with so many people who make compliments and then start laughing and whispering to each other.


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19 Jul 2018, 1:47 pm

Summer_Twilight wrote:
I have dealt with so many people who make compliments and then start laughing and whispering to each other.

Typically nobody makes fun of someone when there is just the two of you in an elevator. That nasty behavior is usually reserved for small groups or cliques in which you are not a member.


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19 Jul 2018, 1:54 pm

BTDT wrote:
Summer_Twilight wrote:
I have dealt with so many people who make compliments and then start laughing and whispering to each other.

Typically nobody makes fun of someone when there is just the two of you in an elevator. That nasty behavior is usually reserved for small groups or cliques in which you are not a member.

I will keep that in mind.


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19 Jul 2018, 4:06 pm

Hey Twilight, I'd love to have tiny feet and be petite. I'm tall with bigger feet.


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19 Jul 2018, 4:42 pm

Today, a certain healthy, pretty and female someone told me, much to my surprise, that her definitely beautiful feet are considered big. I'd have never guessed that's the case. It probably helps that they're still way smaller than mine, considering my own feet and hands tend to appear contemptibly small to me when I look at them after spending a few hours alone.

I'd bet the difference between big and small female feet is noticed mostly by women, the evolutionary reason being the same as always; namely, that it's a better reproductive strategy to marginally outshine other females competing for a top, alpha male's attention than to content yourself with the full, undisputed attention of some sorry loser who has no other female to compare you with.

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19 Jul 2018, 4:43 pm

I am petite. The sucky part is finding pants that are short enough on me. Most pants are too long on me, even some of the petite pants. I usually need a 2 petite short up to a 8 petite short depending on the brand of pants.


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19 Jul 2018, 4:43 pm

I am sure if you post them here a podophile will appreciate and comment.


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19 Jul 2018, 5:05 pm

Spiderpig wrote:

I'd bet the difference between big and small female feet is noticed mostly by women, the evolutionary reason being the same as always; namely, that it's a better reproductive strategy to marginally outshine other females competing for a top, alpha male's attention than to content yourself with the full, undisputed attention of some sorry loser who has no other female to compare you with.

It is noticed by women, but it has more to do with shoes than anything else. When your feet are smaller, your choice of pretty, feminine shoes is much more than if you are cursed with larger, more masculine feet.

( Trust me. I wear a size 10 shoe. Shoes in my size are not what you would call pretty. )

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