Social Skills Decaying at an Alarming Rate
Does anyone else find that, just after a few days of barely talking to anyone, you cannot find words, look people in the eye, smile, etc?
I am really concerned as to how this is affecting my ability to interview for jobs after transitioning from months of academic social isolation. I am trying to finish some academic work while looking for a job and this has been a major issue. I have no clue how to maintain my social skills when I get hyper-focused on these academic tasks. I can go from super-energetic, smiley, and communicative (with lots of social interaction) to completely flat, emotionless, and awkward (with solitary work) in days.
Additionally, I got really sick, engaged my communication way less than usual during the week, and found myself barely able to speak or recall anything in the interview. It was awful.
In an ideal world, I would be practicing my social and hands-on skills all day in preparation, rather than sitting at a desk - obviously not feasible now though.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.
I quite often go to leave the house and stop just as I'm opening the front door to wonder how long it's been since I spoke to someone and whether I'll be able to remember how to do it.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.
its okay, u just need time to switch. i had been so fragging frustrated with issue like that, then i well, got better at switching and at explaining myself too. still as far from ideal, as to reach the sun crawling, but better than it was. ideals after all are set not even for average NT, but for well, socially best NT. so we cant and cannot xd gotta forgive ourselves and then make others forgive us)))
sanity is a prison. insanity is doom. is there a third option, please?
beware the ire of the patient ones!
and if i walk away, who is gonna stay? i believe to make the world be a better place.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.
I do have the odd period where I see no-one for a week or two at a time and, more rarely, much longer periods where my only interactions would be with shopkeepers, bus drivers, etc. But it can only take a few days on my own for my conversation skills to just go dormant; or just a few hours around people for them to tire out. I can't do anything else that demands my attention while I'm having a conversation, either; I've got to stop what I'm doing and try to give it my full attention.
As BTDT said, it's about switching contexts as much as anything else. Once I've found my feet in a social situation, I can get by OK, and have the odd stretch of satisfying conversation with people. However, people beginning a conversation when my attention is elsewhere really throws me. I can sometimes just parrot a few stock phrases and get away with it, but I'm lost if it's anything that I have to give the slightest thought to. It sounds paranoid of me, but I always check who's out in the street before leaving the house if I'm feeling asocial but have to go shopping; the idea that a neighbour could do something awful, like say "Hi" and ask for my opinion on the flowers in his garden, really can fill me with dread. It's not about disliking anyone, and my neighbours are genial enough people; but I know that if I'm in a certain frame of mind, I'll simply freeze like a rabbit caught in headlights if anyone says so much as a word to me that I'm not expecting; or I'll just spout non sequiturs and trip over every other syllable. I don't even comprehend properly, never mind being able to produce anything.
Last time I was working, I got a lift to work with a colleague who is an old friend I've known for 30+ years. After a little while there, he very worriedly asked if I thought that working in the same place had ruined our friendship. I though this an odd question, so I told him honestly; no of course it hadn't. It turned out, he was basically talking to himself for an hour every day during the drive because he couldn't get a word out of me; it was too close to waking time in the morning, and I was done in from work in the evening, so my conversation circuits were in battery-saving mode for most of the time we were spending together.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.
Yes but not only have my social skills been decaying "at an alarming rate", but they were never that great to begin with
Anyways I do not go to school . Trying and failing to trick someone into making the mistake of hiring my worthless corpse
Failure failure failure failure
No spouse, no significant other
No children or family
The ghetto lil riffraff, that I encounter on the street regularly, might not respond favorably if I approach them.
The best case scenario is, whooptie do
The worst case scenario is, subject to imagination
The older I get , the more frivolous socializing appears
Socializing does not have to be just sitting around talking
, but without sitting around talking, there is a larger limit to the potential of the socializing
Anyone could get angry at any time for any reason or no reason
Yes I feel left out
35 years old
But I got to 35 without too much socializing, so maybe socializing is not all precious lil "people" act like it is
The previous counselor told me that the reason why I think I am "worthless" is because I have no job
And "can someone without a job talk to someone with a job?"
Talking is just making noise
Talking for humans, is like barking, for dogs
Yes it serves a function
But "most people" talk way too much
As BTDT said, it's about switching contexts as much as anything else. Once I've found my feet in a social situation, I can get by OK, and have the odd stretch of satisfying conversation with people. However, people beginning a conversation when my attention is elsewhere really throws me. I can sometimes just parrot a few stock phrases and get away with it, but I'm lost if it's anything that I have to give the slightest thought to. It sounds paranoid of me, but I always check who's out in the street before leaving the house if I'm feeling asocial but have to go shopping; the idea that a neighbour could do something awful, like say "Hi" and ask for my opinion on the flowers in his garden, really can fill me with dread. It's not about disliking anyone, and my neighbours are genial enough people; but I know that if I'm in a certain frame of mind, I'll simply freeze like a rabbit caught in headlights if anyone says so much as a word to me that I'm not expecting; or I'll just spout non sequiturs and trip over every other syllable. I don't even comprehend properly, never mind being able to produce anything.
Last time I was working, I got a lift to work with a colleague who is an old friend I've known for 30+ years. After a little while there, he very worriedly asked if I thought that working in the same place had ruined our friendship. I though this an odd question, so I told him honestly; no of course it hadn't. It turned out, he was basically talking to himself for an hour every day during the drive because he couldn't get a word out of me; it was too close to waking time in the morning, and I was done in from work in the evening, so my conversation circuits were in battery-saving mode for most of the time we were spending together.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.
A large part of socializing is sitting around talking
Talking takes a lot of energy
Cost benefit analysis
Yeah I feel left out, a lot
But I have felt this way for a long time and I am 35 so whatever
Socializing is like chocolate. You crave it, and it does serve a function. But you only benefit from the slightest amount. Anything more is overboard and overrated
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