Indeed, I realize I need to be socally acceptible and I need to not always loose my temper and realize they might not have the same outlook on life, or be as smart about some things, or just things like that.
I used to be very riggid, everything had to be my way, I had to be in charge, it did not work obviosuly. Now I am always willing to negociate, have middle ground, i am willing to accept some things from them, but they need to be willing to accept things from me. I realize everyone judges, and I realize my friends are important, and I want to keep their friendship. I always dress acceptible, usually I dress very nicely, most fashion around CNY is aropostale and abicrobmie and that sorta 'prep' clothing. I go a different rout, I still dress nicely, but I have EMS stuff, still looks very nice and fashionable so I command the respect of others, but is more functional for what I do, i dont need clothing to look nice, i need it to keep me warm and dry when I go outdoors.
While 1 can be socally acceptible, one also cannot change who they are. Be worried about being seen as acceptible and who you are. Its good to be both an individual and at the same time fit into the mold as a good friend.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.