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09 Jun 2009, 5:10 am

This isn't the most politically correct topic, but I feel like it sometimes. Academically, if I apply myself I don't have a problem, but when I look back at common sense mistakes I've committed, especially in my teen years, I wonder what the hell is wrong with me.

I learned to drive at 18/19-ish, but didn't know that when a cop flashes his lights behind you, you should pull over. I wasn't sure how to proceed, and ended up getting dragged from my vehicle. When they figured out I wasn't drunk, they let me off with a warning and let me go. I'm sure THEY thought I was handicapped.

I didn't dress normally, or fashionably in highschool- because clocking in at 230 lbs at 13 left me with permanent insecurities, even when I only weighed 140 a year later, I didn't feel comfortable with my body, so I didn't want to draw attention to it, but what the **** was I thinking? If you APPEAR different of course you'll get treated poorly.

I never could stand up for myself. I rarely knew what to say, even in regular conversation. I went through most of junior college in a state of nonchalance, not worrying what I'd do with the rest of my life, convinced that it would come to me sooner or later.

I hate to even confess this, but I read posts from 17 year olds, and I get frustrated that they seem to know things I didn't until I was like 22, and be aware of life in a way I wasn't until much later.

I can blame certain conditions that I fought against all my teenage years, and maybe I'm being hard on myself, but sometimes I wonder if I'm just some kind of defect.


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09 Jun 2009, 5:30 am

You might actually be "functionally ret*d" and that is common with some people with AS and is nothing to be ashamed of. I've posted here before that I have a superior IQ but when I had functional IQ assessed, it was 60.

I also couldn't drive until I was 19. The first day on the road, I had an accident. I also didn't remember to turn my lights on half the time.. and I failed my road test the first time I took it before getting my license. Now, drs have determined that I shouldn't drive at all.

I couldn't tie my shoes until I was 9. You see, we're developmentally DELAYED and so it just takes us a while to catch up, and in some areas, some of us can't catch up.

Most of the time, we can mature and learn, however.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!


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09 Jun 2009, 6:05 am

Interesting. How is functional IQ different? What kind of questions does it ask?


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09 Jun 2009, 8:28 am

Yeah? What is a functional IQ? I've never heard of that one. I bet I am a nice "dull normal" on THAT test.... :lol:


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09 Jun 2009, 9:07 am

Functional IQ is administered with the Vineland II test by a psychologist who specializes in ASD's. It tests social competence, life management, etc. It has four scales that are averaged. Family members and close friends are interviewed and you are interviewed for about 3 hours.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!


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09 Jun 2009, 9:15 am

Do you ever wonder if you're ret*d?

i was never "tarded" because that word does not exist. so i can never be re-"tarded".


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09 Jun 2009, 9:22 am

CaptainTrips222 wrote:
I learned to drive at 18/19-ish, but didn't know that when a cop flashes his lights behind you, you should pull over. I wasn't sure how to proceed, and ended up getting dragged from my vehicle. When they figured out I wasn't drunk, they let me off with a warning and let me go. I'm sure THEY thought I was handicapped.

That is the problem with the test you did. it should have been covered. Did you do a teory test as well as practical? In the UK they do practcal, theory and reactions.


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09 Jun 2009, 9:27 am

b9 wrote:
Do you ever wonder if you're ret*d?

i was never "tarded" because that word does not exist. so i can never be re-"tarded".

the etymology is from Latin tardus means slow/late

ret*d v. means to slow or delay.


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09 Jun 2009, 10:07 am

0_equals_true wrote:
b9 wrote:
Do you ever wonder if you're ret*d?

i was never "tarded" because that word does not exist. so i can never be re-"tarded".

the etymology is from Latin tardus means slow/late

ret*d v. means to slow or delay.
but if tardus means slow then re-tardus means slow "again". i was never slow the first time so i can never be re-slow or re-tardus or re-tarded.

it is just a word game and i can not turn it into a philosophical discussion because my words are just whimsical.

forget it.


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09 Jun 2009, 6:04 pm

What about Dr. Who's "TARDIS"??? What exactly would "re-TARDIS" imply?? I rather like the sound of that, really.

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09 Jun 2009, 6:43 pm

I am socially ret*d. But life could be worse.


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09 Jun 2009, 6:54 pm

I've never heard of functionally ret*d, but I like the sound of it. I probably am in some ways... I can do things others can do, but I have to practice some things a lot before they click. I have a hard time expressive myself, and am still learning to do so, even at 27- I've already mentioned this in other posts (although I've noticed when I'm just chilling by myself and not trying, the words just come to me.) Maybe... who knows. I just wish someone could relate. Thanks to all who've replied.


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09 Jun 2009, 8:10 pm

I've heard the word 'tarded before (I think from the movie Idiocracy).
Which would mean (re)tarded,
which would make re'tarded
which is even more confusing than tarded.

- - - - - on another note - - - - -

When I was in my early teens I did wonder if people were just not telling me the truth. I think it was due to a growing awareness that something was very different about me, but not having any words or ideas/concepts for what it was. When I was younger than that I was mostly oblivious.


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09 Jun 2009, 8:33 pm

No, I've repeatedly been tested and my IQ is in the "very superior" range. They thought I was in Kindergarten because I couldn't skip, tie my shoes, or catch a ball. I would suggest they may have been for not seeing these were all physical things. Seriously once they tested my IQ they abandoned that idea, but I was 33 before I had the AS diagnosis.

09 Jun 2009, 11:58 pm

I used to think I was ret*d because I had troubles with my school work so I needed extra help in about every subject.

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10 Jun 2009, 2:55 am

People who are ret*d know they are. They don't ask if they are, they are capable of knowing and understanding. So if you have to ask, you're not.

This doesn't apply to functionally ret*d. I've never heard that phrase before today. Research is required.

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