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19 Nov 2009, 10:04 am

Well for me it is quite lonely and boring. You don't get to do anything special, you sit at home all day, wishing someone would talk to you. Pretty much you have a love/hate relationship towards people, because you feel betrayed by the social world that is life. Also, you become quite desperate for friends, that you'll hang out with almost anybody. Even if they annoying the living hell out of you, or are the worst people in the world. It's sad to see everyone else having the time of their lives, and I'm at home playing World of Warcraft. I think have no friends is the worst thing that can happen to you, in your life, because everyone needs someone to talk to, am I right?

All I can say, is I wish I had friends that would do stuff with me, rather me trying to force myself into someone else's life.


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19 Nov 2009, 10:20 am

Hey I feel the same way, but then again I also am glad I have no friends. Friends can be bad to each other. I had a friend junior year of high school that flirted with a guy I dated. She wore skirts and twirled around close to the guy. Well supposedly the girl was known to flirt with her friends boyfriends. That was so wrong what she did! But I guess its typical teenage behavior. But friends can steal someone elses spouse too. I read a article while at a doctor's office of a woman who was sleeping with her best friend's husband. The husband was a minister! But the wife still stayed in the marriage but quit talking to her best friend. I would have filed for divorce right away! Friends can be cruel too and spread rumors about you. But friends can also be good people too. Someone told me it's best to have just one friend than many. I don't do any online games, but chat on forums such as this one and another forum for a medical condition I have. I used to belong to a singer's fan site forum, where you can meet others who live near you. We would meet for dinner before a concert. But I quit that fan site because you had to pay for it. Some singers fan sites are free. Maybe there are locals that also play that Warcraft game that you can be friends with?


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19 Nov 2009, 10:23 am

With several million people, I would be surprised if some locals DIDN'T play World of Warcraft. That said, I never much cared for the game, but I genuinely understand what it's like to go without friends.

I've been alone pretty much my entire life. No friends, no lasting relationships. It's just been me and my cats. I'm hoping that will change, as I'm sure it's one of the major contributors to my depressive episodes.


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19 Nov 2009, 10:25 am

Well, there always gonna be bad people and good people. You just got to weed them out. I know people do hurtful things, but theres also people that do good. Just maybe one day, I'll find a friend like that, and be happy.


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19 Nov 2009, 10:58 am

Most of the time I prefer to be alone, so not having friends isn't a big issue for me. I actually do have people who (for the most part) I enjoy and who want to spend time with me, however I usually spend my time finding excuses not to hang out with them. I don't have a big interest in basic friendships (hanging out etc) though I have a pretty deep desire to have one or two really good friends, the type where you feel you know everything about them and would do anything for them and vice versa... Unfortunately, it is hard to get to that point in a friendship when you don't put time into the beginnings of the friendship, so I am at a bit of an impass..

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19 Nov 2009, 11:00 am

tbh not having friends in real life is more embarassing than anything else.

When I was a kid I would feel like an idiot on my own. As an adult its more acceptable to do things on your own, but it gets lonely if anything and gives you too much time to think about stuff.


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19 Nov 2009, 11:08 am

Hard call.

In one respect, I wish I had more people who wanted to spend time with me.

Being alone is one thing, and I've learned to deal with it...even accept it. In many ways, I prefer it.

However, being "alone in a crowd" is devastating, and I hate going to public places/events without someone to share the experience with. This is because being surrounded by others but not being connected to any of them only reinforces how isolated I am.


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19 Nov 2009, 11:16 am

Internet friendship can be really good - I've got pretty close to one or two people I've never even met, just by chatting online. But I'm also very lucky that I've been good friends with a few aspies that I've been able to meet time-to-time and chat with. My brother is an aspie as well, so I'm kind of surrounded by aspies in my life, which is just the way I like it.

I don't know what's available in your area, but maybe there's some way of getting in touch with other aspies locally and chatting online at least. Don't give up though, and honestly, you're not missing anything - these people you see having "the time of their lives" are mostly just living in a false reality. The older I get, the more glad I am that I'm not a part of it, however angry it used to make me that I was stuck on the sidelines.


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19 Nov 2009, 1:28 pm

I only have internet friends, and I'm very happy for it. As far as anything or anyone else is concerned, having a social life takes up a lot of time and energy. I'd much rather invest my time and energy in things I enjoy.


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19 Nov 2009, 1:29 pm

I only have internet friends, and I'm very happy for it. As far as anything or anyone else is concerned, having a social life takes up a lot of time and energy. I'd much rather invest my time and energy in things I enjoy. Especially now that I'm planning to write a pirate romance. :D


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19 Nov 2009, 1:37 pm

i wish i had more friends, but then it could get annoying cause i like to make my own daily schedule of what to do without any interference.


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19 Nov 2009, 1:48 pm

How Does it feel to not have friends?

it does not "feel" like anything. i just am peaceful and un-intruded upon when no one pays attention to me.
people's "attention" would mostly be a chore for me to to service, so i am glad that i have not that responsibility of keeping people "on the line" (like a fisherman keeps a fish from escaping his hook with masterful reeling techniques).

i have animal friends, and they are quite enough to fill me up with companionship.

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19 Nov 2009, 2:10 pm

I have very few friends, in fact, about the only people I consider friends live in another state. This does not prevent me from doing things or going places. I will admit, there are activities I rarely do because they aren't as much fun by oneself. In the five years I've lived here, less than 10 people have been in my house besides myself and half of them were here to work on various projects. I do, however, have a moderate number of acquaintances, people I know through clubs, businesses and such. These are people I'll talk to when our paths cross, but we don't seek out each others company. I can go to my favorite restaurant and talk to the people that work there. They know a bit about me and I know a bit about them, not enough to call them friends, but enough for a conversation.

One thing is absolutely certain, sitting at home alone results in nothing but sitting home alone.


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19 Nov 2009, 2:16 pm

I think it can be a great thing actually, by not having friends who do you have to impress nobody, who do you have to agree with even though it makes no sense or it will hurt their feelings nobody. I think by not having friends it allows us to be free, not chained down by obligations, and more importantly it allows us to actually analyze the world in a way that a lot of people don't get a chance to.


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19 Nov 2009, 5:09 pm

ColaInflux wrote:
everyone needs someone to talk to, am I right?

I'm perfectly happy talking to myself. Its been many years since I personally knew anyone smart enough to offer interesting conversation.

:D Of course, if I had an excuse to go anywhere other than WalMart, maybe that would change. :roll:

I can't say I really miss people all that much. I still cringe when there's a knock at the door. If Domino's delivered sex in thirty minutes or less for fifteen bucks, it would be a perfect world. :P


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19 Nov 2009, 5:30 pm

Willard wrote:

I can't say I really miss people all that much. I still cringe when there's a knock at the door. If Domino's delivered sex in thirty minutes or less for fifteen bucks, it would be a perfect world. :P

You need to make more effort in conversing with the delivery person then! :lol:

Other people are people too.