I've always had a code I live by, even before I was a fan of the show Dexter. There are certain rules that help keep me sane. Here are some of them. Maybe you lot have something similar.
In no particular order:
Spend the most time with yourself. Knowledge of self is the most important thing to me. Once you master yourself, you can master anything and anyone. I'm trying to master the moonwalk, and I used to have a dance phobia. Stare into space for a few hours each day, it's good for you.
Don't get emotionally invested. If I get emotionally invested in something, it's hard to let go of it when it is not there anymore. I try not to get emotionally attached to people or to objects, in case I lose them. Besides, emotions cloud my judgement, and my judgement is pretty good.
Look out for sociopaths. I know how to spot people like this, and nothing good can come of being with them. Since I have Aspergers, I'm a magnet for people like this. I've met 6 that I can count, and I'm not sure about number 7. I haven't been keeping track for very long either.
Be as absolutely sure as I can. Not just with sociopaths, but with everything. All happiness is based on certainty.
After 10 is my fun time. No matter what, after 10 P.M. is my time to have fun. If I have work to do, too bad, I blew it. Very rarely do I break this rule. Being at a place of employment obviously does not apply.
These are some of them. Anyone have some input?