scousered wrote:
I am spontaneous and like to be so as long as i am in control.
That's the crux for me-if my activity is my choice, then okay-if it's an external mandate, I bristle.
I half plan/micromanage intricacies & half "make it up as I go along". I need to have plans "just in case", yet also the freedom from structure in order to "go with the flow". Sudden change is stressful, but if it's because I don't want to follow the plan, it's less stressful for me to be spontaneous. I can say I'll do this then, but when time comes I've changed my mind so alternative is more appealing.
Hard to make plans because I can't predict whether I'll still be agreeable about doing activity in future. Have tough time being spontaneous because I draw a blank (the possibilities are endless, yet I enjoy so little...) Avoid socializing bc. I don't want to disappoint someone by not showing up where & when I'd promised.
I unintentionally communicate "mixed messages" constantly, bc. I genuinely am conflicted about almost everything I say or do.
Of course, depends on how one defines these terms and situation it involves.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*