TheMatador wrote:
So should I just completely ignore this guy or what? Because I'm leaning towards doing exactly that.
On any kind of e-chatter like facebook, yes, ignore him. But if he clls you, go ahead and let him know why.
Its sad, but no one should be friends with someone who lies to them. Its bad enough if you caught him lying to other people, but when he lies to you, any trust you had for him is violated. You can't be friends with someone you don't trust.
I don't know him, but he could also be pathological which is a mental disorder. Or he could also be delusional and actually believe all these grandiose things he says. Delusional is a mental disorder and if I remember right, is related to schizophrenia. I once met a delusional guy in a nut house that I worked in that thought he was Dr. Martin Luther King. The problem for him was that the real MLK was a black guy who died many years ago. The delusional guy was a white guy who was still alive. But even still, the guy really believed it and would pass a lie detector test.
Both pathological liars and delusionals will pass lie detector tests, but pathologicals actually know that they are lying whereas delusionals actually believe its true.