Perhaps you feel this way because text messages can be misinterpreted and you feel you need to edit the text message to death before having the courage to send it by which time it's too late to retrieve?
As for receiving them, perhaps it's the fear of misinterpreting the message yourself and then worrying about how to reply...which then brings you back to what I said above?...like a vicious circle isn't it?
Yes; I believe that sounds accurate. It's not technically receiving messages that bothers me (except for the aforementioned sudden beep or vibration), it is the fact that I am expected to respond. I have such difficulty thinking of proper replies. I never know whether to be serious, or if it's safer to lighten the mood with a brainless "Lol". As I said in my original post, texting is better than face-face conversation, because it gives me a little more time, but sometimes I feel that all the time in the world isn't enough. Plus, I hate text messaging because it's just one more way for people to reach me. I wish I could have been young in the 80's or 90's, before computers and cell phones were accessible to everyone....
It's the sound of a phone ringing that fills me with dread.
For me, phone calls may be even worse than face-to-face conversations. At least when you're out in public, you can more or less expect someone to talk to you. To the contrary, phones allow you to be abruptly disturbed and startled in the privacy of your own home. Every time the telephone rings, I just want to scream and then hide under a rock for the rest of my life.