ocdgirl123 wrote:
This is not about people bullying you. This about people IGNORING you. I don't get bullied in school but I get ignored by peers for the most part. There is a few students who may say "hi" to me. Mostly outgoing, mature students and kids I knew in elementary/middle school. Teachers and other adults don't ignore me if they know me. Just peers.
Do you tend to get ignored at school, college, work, etc.?
I was quite ignored a a child in the sense that if I were standing or sitting somewhere, I was never asked to join in anything. If I did ask to join in something, the other children would generally allow me to however I hadn't the least idea how to socialize with them and if there was any verbal interaction between me and the other children in these situations, it would usually be one of the boys yelling at me for doing something wrong, or the girls bossing me around. They weren't intending to be mean though.