F5c_wZ3_414e_X5 wrote:
I don't know if it is an aspie thing. But I often find no sense in what other people say to me. They tell me about their social life, about their relatives/friends/acquaintances. And I think: that doesn't concern me at all, what should I answer? And I say some nonsense like "Oh.", "hm.", "ok", "that's cool"....
I know exactly what you mean! This happens to me a lot. Sometimes I'm lucky to even mumble a "Hmm"! - I usually go a bit quiet!
Does any one else do this - I sort of think answers to questions in my head, but never get arround to saying the answers out loud. I get so wrapped up in analising the question, possible meanings of that question, the possible answers to all those meanings, that 2 minutes later I am still just sat there being silent.....
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GCU Grey Area signal sequence file #n428857/119)
[swept-to-tight beam, M16.4, @n.4.28.857.3644]
"Dyslexics Untie!"