sparkylabs wrote:
Philosoraptor wrote:
The only kinds of guys I can really befriend are ones that I can talk with at a deeper, more intellectual level. I never make enemies with anyone, but I do definitely distance myself from a lot of people who I find too superficial
That's me to a "T" I have a couple of people who I know I can talk about anything to where others would just think I'm mad, one has dyspraxia and the other suspects like me he may be boarder line on being an aspie. But yes on the whole I find people superficial, it's like talking to a program that overlays the real person because they are so scared of just saying what they want to say or know that their just selfish.
You described me too. I think AS guys tend to be like this. Luckily, as we get older, the other guys around us also get older (usually) and thus theres a bigger number of guys who are deeper, either intrinsically or due to experience.
I talk to most guys no problem, I'm masculine but introverted-most guys I understand. the thing's they are into are a whole different story though. i dont know about you guys...but all my close RL male friends are all very deep. I've put a distance between myself and my more typical 20 -something guy friends due to a lack of empathy. i just dont understand a lot of the things they are thinking about, talking about or whatever....interests and girls and stuff. I think more about my woman's needs, feelings and all that mushy stuff, my male friends are concerned about doing their own thing and pissing off their gfs...i dont get it. they talk about some new call of duty game...I want to talk about hypothetical zombie apocalypses, world power balances . do ya'll expereince this disconnect sometimes too?
I befriend girls and women a whole lot easier since they tend to be deeper and more emotion based anyway. This is a double edged sword...I friendzone myself beacuse I'm a naturally caring/protective person...but at the same time I meet a lot of women and its opened up some doors in dating.