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29 Jan 2016, 5:15 am

I am married, and I do miss dh when we apart for long. I want him to be home and around me, but I do not want to be together like too much. I prefer to be in the same location but not together. Anywho, in general I have no desire, no longing for friendships with anyone else. I like the internet and forums so much though!

My next door neighbor texted me and told me that I was her best friend and that she likes me very much. I was very bothered by this comment; I was speechless. I became sad because I almost cannot lie (I know it's physically possible), like I maybe have lied 3 times in my lifetime. I did not feel the same way reciprocally towards her.
She is convenient to me. When I feel I SHOULD have overdue social interaction, I go to her to talk. I told her she was my best friend too. I cringed, I lied. I didn't want to say that, but I did. I feel sad because I feel I should feel the way she does. I should desire social interactions.

Side note: I have no diagnosis nor do I desire a label of any sort
Do you guys feel the same way about people and friendships?

Sea Gull
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29 Jan 2016, 10:48 am

I myself often find direct social interaction a bit fatiguing in places in which there is abundant sensory input,lots of noise,sights,smells,though I find them rather enjoyable in ideal conditions,provided of course the conversations are meaningful,I would say its much the same for friendships,though I don't mind superficial friendships but I find them a pain to maintain outside indirect communication mediums.I also hate not being honest to people as it does not seem fair to me to give people false expectations or ideals,though I have lied to people,especially when I was younger and they were for the most foolish of reasons... now though I endeavor to be honest with people,I find it tireing to pretend to be something I'm not,still I certainly don't like to upset people and have lied before to avoid that in the past,but I find it best to be honest and polite to avoid false expectations and hate it when I lie to people.If I found myself in your situation I might say,"Thank you so much for your kindness"as I would appreciate the sentiment even if I did not feel the exact same way,thus I would not be lieing as I really would appreciate the sentiment without causing offense by saying I don't feel the same way.Ultimately though friendships are intentional,a matter of mutual choice on both persons part,feelings come and go.


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29 Jan 2016, 10:57 am

I don't have any friends but I want them. However, after an hour of talking I've usually had enough.


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29 Jan 2016, 11:39 am

I do want friendships in theory, but in practice I just want to be left alone.


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29 Jan 2016, 2:22 pm

I'd like some more friends. But I can also do without them.
Though it's good to at least have one good friend.
I like social interaction as long as it's in a more controlled fashion, like when meeting up just to hang out, not when I have to go somewhere and socialize.


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29 Jan 2016, 2:29 pm

I would like friends. But I have none.

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29 Jan 2016, 6:32 pm

I want friendships so long as they're on my terms.

The world is backwards and upside down. So far they show no signs of hearing my voice; I am silenced and discounted yet I continue to shout until I can shout no more.


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30 Jan 2016, 1:34 am

I get worn out if I'm in a social situation for long but I wouldn't mind having a friend I could hang out with & do stuff with occasionally. I've been living with my girlfriend for 3 years now & I love being around her & don't really get drained from it.

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30 Jan 2016, 1:39 am

I am gonna be honest, I have two friends who I basically i have a lot of control over because of the way they are. and I both find sadistic pleasure and hate it at the same time. its like I say, they do. and they have like no sense of choice themselves. its drives me nuts. I say, hey wanna go to the movies, they are like yea! so I am like what do you wanna watch. there like, dunno what do you wanna watch? and no matter what I say it will be a yes. if I say I Don't know its "ah well when you find out tell me.

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30 Jan 2016, 9:17 am

I'm ok without friends.

Yours sincerely, some dude.

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30 Jan 2016, 2:14 pm

OP, so glad you posted this. I was just thinking about the same and can relate deeply to what you said about having no desire or longing for friendships. (It's remarkable to have a need for connection over...well, a lack of connection, but there it is!)

It makes me deeply uncomfortable when people consider me their friend and solicit my company, advice, chatting, etc., and though I can do it, the whole time feels like an act, like a big lie of a performance, and I'm so relieved and pleased when I am alone again. I don't gain any pleasure or enjoyment out of the socializing and count down the minutes until it's over and I can relax and stop pretending to be normal again. I do it because it is easier to deal with than the concern I receive when I achieve more complete solitude/isolation, even though that is where I am happiest/most comfortable! I've never been able to understand why it is so difficult for many people to understand this.

The internet is also a very different experience for me. I've made several online friendships that I gain value and enjoyment from.

It's difficult for me to understand the longing for human friendships but I know that most with Asperger's do experience it.

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30 Jan 2016, 4:47 pm

I really want to have friendship with a male even though I'm not sure if it's possible.

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30 Jan 2016, 5:38 pm

AlwaysIsForever wrote:
I am married, and I do miss dh when we apart for long. I want him to be home and around me, but I do not want to be together like too much. I prefer to be in the same location but not together. Anywho, in general I have no desire, no longing for friendships with anyone else. I like the internet and forums so much though!

My next door neighbor texted me and told me that I was her best friend and that she likes me very much. I was very bothered by this comment; I was speechless. I became sad because I almost cannot lie (I know it's physically possible), like I maybe have lied 3 times in my lifetime. I did not feel the same way reciprocally towards her.
She is convenient to me. When I feel I SHOULD have overdue social interaction, I go to her to talk. I told her she was my best friend too. I cringed, I lied. I didn't want to say that, but I did. I feel sad because I feel I should feel the way she does. I should desire social interactions.

Side note: I have no diagnosis nor do I desire a label of any sort
Do you guys feel the same way about people and friendships?

If I was married I think I'd feel the same way. My wife would be my only friend, and I wouldn't see the need for any more. Perhaps you are your neighbour's best friend outside of your relationship with your husband? I wouldn't worry too much about lying in this instance, as it may have hurt her feelings badly by being frank.

I think generally I have a hope of finding friendship but I'm too pessimistic, and my confidence has been torn too much for me to actually try. I'm not one of those who needs friends either, so being on my own isn't intolerable. A lot of the time I need my space and I actually find the emptiness of isolation quite enjoyable.


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31 Jan 2016, 5:53 pm

Not really, no.

Friends tend to be either demanding or distance. Sometimes both at different times when the mood takes them. I can never figure out what people want, so have learned to avoid getting myself into those situations. If people ask me to do something social, I either claim a prior engagement (true or not) or if I have to go I disappear as soon as possible. Whatever questions I have to answer later are far easier to deal with than having to deal with many people at once.

I've learned simply because it's much easier that way.


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02 Feb 2016, 3:48 pm

I want to have friends so badly. Fictional characters feel like friends to me, and I want friends in real life just like that. But I'm too shy. Urgh, why must my mind restrict me?


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03 Feb 2016, 6:49 am

Yes, but not too many and of a very specific type. I prefer close friendships with one or two people I can relax around. It's very rare I encounter someone I feel that comfortable with, so I often end up feeling alone. At the moment I have a lot of acquaintances that I see through university and work, but there's only one person I feel I can connect with - and she's always so busy I barely get to see her.