kraftiekortie wrote:
Most of the time, it gets better once you get out of high school. High school kids have a tendency to be on the idiotic side. I would say most, though, only want to not incur the ire of the idiots, rather than being idiots themselves.
I experienced being ostracized in high school. Even by other ostracized kids. It's not a good feeling.
I would try to take advantage of your situation by doing extremely well in your studies. When you get to college/university, you will be respected more for being an excellent student.
Socializing got a little better in college. In that more students to choose from. Socializing got worse in college in that nobody wanted to live with me so , had to live with strangers. Surprises imminent.
Socializing got worse after college. No regular location to socialize.
High school performance good not remarkable. Didn't seem to matter
College. UCSD. Flunked out of structural engineering 2.19 out of 4 gpa. f**k UCSD.
Doing better at UCSD could have made it easier to socialize. All things being equal. But not all things are equal and just a little better.
f**k mister redelings s**t
Doing better at structural engineering would have made me less clinically depressed. So easier socializing
But still autistic so what the f**k ever s**t