I love myself. I hate my autism. Because I love myself, I do everything in my power to restrict autism's dominion over my life. I see it as a demon possessing me and I do regular spiritual cleansings, which help. Somebody said to me the other day "you have to know your limits, if you try to surpass them you will be very unhappy"
To this I stated: "you have to know your limits to know the best way to break them down". Does anyone here know the saying - "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"? Because I am autistic, I have more capacity for willpower and concentration ability than the people I've always called "real humans". Because of my disease, I have good grades in economics courses and, because I speak English better than most applicants, I'm in the running for analyst-track positions in the career I want to go into. I'm using autism to conquer autism, like the snake that eats its own tail.
Right now, nobody in any career or educational parts of my life know about my condition, and I intend to keep it that way by keeping my head down and working so much harder than everyone else. Because I need to work so much harder than everyone else. Me getting a 4.0 and having 3-4 extracurriculars and 2-3 internships under my belt is like an NT having a 2.5 and having 1 extracurricular. It's like in the '50s, the African-American community acknowledged that they had to work twice as hard as a Caucasian to have the same achievements in life. And many African-Americans of that generation did achieve, despite discrimination.
For me, the focus has shifted less to being normal and more to beating the NTs at their own (career, business, Wall Street, whatever) game.
As scarlet flowers lust for the dew of morning
and infants nurse on the nectar of motherhood
As prophets of ruin wield their swords of wisdom
and battle forth towards a brighter dawn