aleclair wrote:
I went to my first proper party last night. Several months back, my girlfriend at the time took me clubbing with her and several of her friends - and I was simply baffled. Clubbing and partying, I reasoned using logic, are truly antisocial experiences. When Soulja Boy is being blasted at 120 dB, how can you talk to people? Certainly, the loud music and the packed-like-sardines crowd must serve as a wall, keeping you in your own world: just you and Soulja Boy, dancing to the end of the world.
That made me laugh, the way you wrote it had a wit that I liked.
And it's true, it's near impossible to have conversations when you have to scream over music, that's what I like about them though
an excuse to be antisocial and just dance to music while pretty much ignoring everyone else.
What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.