Why are females more tolerant of 'wierd' than males?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Oct 2009, 7:54 am

Mgran, why don't you, or someone you know, beat one of these boys up? That will stop it. That's how to solve these things.


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06 Oct 2009, 8:15 am

I had negative behaviour from both genders growing up. I think it's just some people are nasty and some are nice. It's luck of the draw.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Oct 2009, 8:24 am

If i was this boys' father, i would beat one up.
That is the only way. I know what i am talking about.


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06 Oct 2009, 8:39 am

Fbthew wrote:
Mgran, why don't you, or someone you know, beat one of these boys up? That will stop it. That's how to solve these things.
Because I'm a single mother, and if I am put in jail for assault my son will go into care. I think my son's been through enough without England's ridiculously punitive laws depriving him of his surviving care giver.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Oct 2009, 8:54 am

Britain needs a Tory government; not these Labour sissies.


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06 Oct 2009, 1:10 pm

mgran wrote:
Girls tolerate weird in boys, boys tolerate weird in girls.

There must be something in the water where I live because around here that is absolutely not the case. Boys here absolutely REFUSE to tolerate weird in girls. Maybe it's a Canadian thing?

mgran wrote:

My life was made an abject misery by girls when I was one myself. My son's life is now being made miserable by boys.

Have you talked to the parents of said boys?

In my case girls didn't really become a problem until toward the end of middle school--and even then it was only a small minority of the girls. Boys invariably made my life a living hell and one was even physically abusive (bodychecked me into lockers in middle school).

mgran wrote:
Initially I was going to make a joke of the thread and say, "women put up with weird from men, because we have no choice, you guys are strange..." but thinking about it, I reckon it's got more to do with sexual perspective. There's nothing as merciless as a group of women who find one of their member to be "other." Think of what happens when a murder of ravens capture a kitten... they surround and peck it, not to death, but blind, ragged and helpless. Then they fly off and let it bleed.

That's women for you. If you're the weird woman.

Women, I don't know about. Only girls.

mgran wrote:
How men behave to each other is a mystery to me. I suspect that it, also, is not pretty.

Human beings in general confuse me.


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06 Oct 2009, 1:23 pm

princesseli wrote:
With females, it can vary. In general certain women tend to more acceptant of "weirdness" because they are more likely to have sympathy and feel sorry for the person in turn they want to help the person. While men are less likely have sympathy for others. But trust me a persons sympathys is NOT a way to gain a real friend. The person may be nice but niceness only goes so far.

Gotta agree with that. They were nice but yeah that only went so far...it didn't gain me much extra social interaction.

princesseli wrote:
On the otherhand females can be very gossipy and malicious. They will talk behind there friends back frequently like, if so and so person is being annoying. Females tend to take things offensives more personally and hold grudges longer.

Well, I have no contact with any of the girls that I went to school with, even the ones that were a problem, so I don't know whether they let anything 'go'.

princesseli wrote:
While I've notices males are more likely to let things go.

Must be something in the water. Males here DO NOT LET THINGS GO. Seriously. There was a 7 year gap where I had no contact with some of the boys who were a problem in grade 1, and they behaved no differently when I had contact with them than the last day of school in grade 1. It was as if all that stuff from Grade 1 happened 'yesterday'.

Now I do know that boys are more likely to actually forget stuff, which is probably part of why it may be easier for them to let things go. But I will GUARANTEE you, if I run into any of the guys who were a problem back then today, and they remember from back then, they will be just as mean today as they were then.

Fortunately most of them have moved away.

princesseli wrote:
If you listen to the girls talking around you, you'll often notice theres always this or that drama going on.

Oh yeah, I did hear stuff around girls, though I was surprised that some boys in my youngest brother's grade were as vicious of gossips as any woman you'll ever meet.

princesseli wrote:
From personal experiance, males tend to be more tolerant of weirdness in my comminication style. Around other girls, I have to normalize it so I often come across as more dry and boring. I dont have that expressive personality that a lot of girls have. What makes me not dry and boring is my social quirks that occur I communicate naturally.

Your males. Show me them. (I wish there were some of that kind here)

GeomAsp wrote:
i agree with the first post. In highschool the other boys bully you and make your life miserable, while the girls leave you alone and tolerate you. I have seen that girls are not so cruel as boys. They are less agressive to their peers, not the case with boys.

Yeah they're less aggressive, that's for sure, although there were one or two who were, who didn't know me from a hole in the ground and yet wanted to beat me up based on the words of a boy that had physically assaulted me a couple years before.


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06 Oct 2009, 1:26 pm

Shebakoby wrote:
Human beings in general confuse me.

Hoo-haw... I second that motion! 8O


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06 Oct 2009, 1:44 pm

I don't think girls know the difference between a weird guy & a normal one; or vice versa. The genders are so different as it is. It's up to our own genders to make certian members outcasts.

However, what happens is girls eventually pick up on the signals from other boys and label you as weird too. It's easy to see by anyone who is accepted & who is not, & it becomes understood that the popular kids are the normal ones & the unpopular ones are the weird ones.

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06 Oct 2009, 3:24 pm

deadeyexx wrote:
I don't think girls know the difference between a weird guy & a normal one; or vice versa. The genders are so different as it is. It's up to our own genders to make certian members outcasts.

However, what happens is girls eventually pick up on the signals from other boys and label you as weird too. It's easy to see by anyone who is accepted & who is not, & it becomes understood that the popular kids are the normal ones & the unpopular ones are the weird ones.

Stupid sheep

Girls pick up on weird very much so. They can be the meanest of creatures sometimes, malicious gossip about those they don't like.

Both genders can be nasty, both genders can be nice, it all depends on the person and not the gender.


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06 Oct 2009, 3:32 pm

mgran wrote:
Fbthew wrote:
Mgran, why don't you, or someone you know, beat one of these boys up? That will stop it. That's how to solve these things.
Because I'm a single mother, and if I am put in jail for assault my son will go into care. I think my son's been through enough without England's ridiculously punitive laws depriving him of his surviving care giver.

Is there any safe way of talking to the parents, I mean a way to talk to them without the bullying getting worse?

Is he able to take self defence classes? It may help, a type that focuses on body movment and momentum rather than strenght. Though I don't know for sure if that would help.


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06 Oct 2009, 4:44 pm

Wow... I can't relate to a single post here. Guys are mostly chill, in my experience, whereas girls are the ones to freak out pretty quick over being different.


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07 Oct 2009, 6:49 pm

CaptainTrips222 wrote:
Wow... I can't relate to a single post here. Guys are mostly chill, in my experience, whereas girls are the ones to freak out pretty quick over being different.

Where are these chill guys you know of?


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07 Oct 2009, 8:51 pm

I've experienced intolerance by both men and women.

But yeah, I think women act more polite about it. In my experience, men are much more confrontational and less apt to put on a polite visade. But I don't want come off generalizing because I really don't know when a guy is really being nice and guy is being polite. With women I can usually tell depending on how well I know them and how they react socially.

I use to get left out of conversations and invitations by girls. I assume from the get go it was their "polite" way of letting me know I was too akward and wouldn't fit in.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Oct 2009, 2:16 pm

Shebakoby wrote:
I've noticed something odd about my social interactions through the years, primarily childhood. And that is, by and large, girls are far more tolerant of 'weird' than boys. I have no idea why that is.

Since when? Women may me be more open to things such as homosexuality, but Almost all of the most judgmental people I've ever met, have been women. They hate on other women based on looks alone!


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08 Oct 2009, 5:14 pm

Shebakoby wrote:
CaptainTrips222 wrote:
Wow... I can't relate to a single post here. Guys are mostly chill, in my experience, whereas girls are the ones to freak out pretty quick over being different.

Where are these chill guys you know of?

Maybe I'm reading them wrong. I find that women who aren't comfortable around you tend to get this pissed off look when you go by and cast their eyes down. I've been told I have this intimidating look though. Friends tell they're just afraid, not that I'm weird, but how could I know the difference?

Now guys, they'll always at least nod. But yeah, when it comes to overtly bullying the 'outsider' guys can just be evil.