princesseli wrote:
With females, it can vary. In general certain women tend to more acceptant of "weirdness" because they are more likely to have sympathy and feel sorry for the person in turn they want to help the person. While men are less likely have sympathy for others. But trust me a persons sympathys is NOT a way to gain a real friend. The person may be nice but niceness only goes so far.
Gotta agree with that. They were nice but yeah that only went so didn't gain me much extra social interaction.
princesseli wrote:
On the otherhand females can be very gossipy and malicious. They will talk behind there friends back frequently like, if so and so person is being annoying. Females tend to take things offensives more personally and hold grudges longer.
Well, I have no contact with any of the girls that I went to school with, even the ones that were a problem, so I don't know whether they let anything 'go'.
princesseli wrote:
While I've notices males are more likely to let things go.
Must be something in the water. Males here DO NOT LET THINGS GO. Seriously. There was a 7 year gap where I had no contact with some of the boys who were a problem in grade 1, and they behaved no differently when I had contact with them than the last day of school in grade 1. It was as if all that stuff from Grade 1 happened 'yesterday'.
Now I do know that boys are more likely to actually
forget stuff, which is probably part of why it may be easier for them to let things go. But I will GUARANTEE you, if I run into any of the guys who were a problem back then today, and they remember from back then, they will be just as mean today as they were then.
Fortunately most of them have moved away.
princesseli wrote:
If you listen to the girls talking around you, you'll often notice theres always this or that drama going on.
Oh yeah, I did hear stuff around girls, though I was surprised that some boys in my youngest brother's grade were as vicious of gossips as any woman you'll ever meet.
princesseli wrote:
From personal experiance, males tend to be more tolerant of weirdness in my comminication style. Around other girls, I have to normalize it so I often come across as more dry and boring. I dont have that expressive personality that a lot of girls have. What makes me not dry and boring is my social quirks that occur I communicate naturally.
Your males. Show me them. (I wish there were some of that kind here)
GeomAsp wrote:
i agree with the first post. In highschool the other boys bully you and make your life miserable, while the girls leave you alone and tolerate you. I have seen that girls are not so cruel as boys. They are less agressive to their peers, not the case with boys.
Yeah they're less aggressive, that's for sure, although there were one or two who were, who didn't know me from a hole in the ground and yet wanted to beat me up based on the words of a boy that had physically assaulted me a couple years before.