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19 Nov 2009, 6:05 pm

Ligea_Seroua wrote:
Willard wrote:

I can't say I really miss people all that much. I still cringe when there's a knock at the door. If Domino's delivered sex in thirty minutes or less for fifteen bucks, it would be a perfect world. :P

You need to make more effort in conversing with the delivery person then! :lol:

Not so sure I'd want to sleep with the delivery crew. :lol:


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19 Nov 2009, 11:28 pm

For me, the internet is a boon in my social interaction, so to speak.
I reckon it is easier for me to befriend someone through online chats or message sharing... mainly because they can't hear my annoying voice. All they know of me is my personality, and that's my saving grace. ^_^

I used to plan and plot, and try to live correct; lately I do a lot of things that don't make sense. Now I must do what I must do.

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20 Nov 2009, 4:24 pm

I think it feels great! It's quiet, it's peaceful, you have time to get things done and you can do what you want without being interrupted. If you really want to talk to somebody you can get on the internet and talk all night without having to offer drinks or change clothes etc.

I have acquaintances and I'm happy with that. I have friends online and that's good. When I was in my teens and 20s I had friends and it got old fast.

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20 Nov 2009, 4:33 pm

I think it feels great! It's quiet, it's peaceful, you have time to get things done and you can do what you want without being interrupted. If you really want to talk to somebody you can get on the internet and talk all night without having to offer drinks or change clothes etc.

I have acquaintances and I'm happy with that. I have friends online and that's good. When I was in my teens and 20s I had friends and it got old fast.


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20 Nov 2009, 7:30 pm

I used to be desperate for friends, so much so that I would hang out with total jerkbags who would lie to me and take advantage of me because I didn't want to be alone. Recently I've stopped caring.


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20 Nov 2009, 11:33 pm

Ya, it gets boring, especially now that I have overcome the addiction of daydreaming about cars and stuff.


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25 Nov 2009, 8:56 pm

for me, it's kind of a blessing & a curse.
because you won't have them stab you in the back, make you do things you don't wanna do, beat you up, or spread rumors about you to everyone else.
but on the other hand, it's hard meeting someone who you can talk to, who's understanding, who you can trust, and who's got similar tastes like i do.
all those things also apply when looking for a boyfriend. and especially if you travel from one place to another.


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25 Nov 2009, 9:33 pm

Couldn't be happier!

Well actually, I'm very unhappy - but having friends would only make that 100 times worse! :lol:

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there


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25 Nov 2009, 9:43 pm

It feels sad. I get a lot of homework done though.


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25 Nov 2009, 10:26 pm

Hmnn I don't remember how was it like when I had friends. So I am not sure how my current situation actually makes me feel, it has turned into something that's part of life, I guess.

I had some online friends some months ago. Not even real friends. But I managed to lose those as well. Darn flamewars.

I felt kind of bad the week after. Well, you know. I am starting to think I'll end up completely alone. I am fine right now at 24 without friends or acquitances and nobody to actually 'trust' outside of close family. But what's going to happen to me in 30 years? If I lost my family I am not sure if I would survive or anything. Even I need human contact, I think.



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25 Nov 2009, 10:42 pm

I think people naturally become more home centered when they hit middle age. When I was in my 20's I had a group of female friends that I was very comfortable with. Then their lives all took a different path at once it seemed. This one went off to graduate school, that one got married etc. I've never had a group of friends like that since. I don't complain about not having a social life because I don't put any effort into it. I don't want people calling me and coming over all the time. I relish being alone. That does not count my son of course.

Detach ed

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26 Nov 2009, 1:20 am

ColaInflux wrote:
It's sad to see everyone else having the time of their lives, and I'm at home playing World of Warcraft.

When I was 13, there was no WOW, and no internet. If I wanted information, I had to walk to the library and look for it. But I didn't have video games or internet to fall back on, so I had to force myself to make friends. Most of the time it didn't work, but I had a few, which was better than none.

The way to learn how to be around other people is to go do it. They might not like you, and you might get rejected a lot, but it gives you practice, and sometimes you'll find a friend. If you don't go out, you won't get any friends anyway, so it's better to try and fail.

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26 Nov 2009, 3:57 am

BoringAaron wrote:

When I was 13, there was no WOW, and no internet. If I wanted information, I had to walk to the library and look for it.

Barefoot, in the snow, for 15 miles, uphill both ways? ;-) Sorry, you are about my age. My kids can't fathom not having the internet.



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26 Nov 2009, 8:39 am

jc6chan wrote:
i wish i had more friends, but then it could get annoying cause i like to make my own daily schedule of what to do without any interference.

Describes my feelings exactly! Never have come up with a good resolution for this...

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data".


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26 Nov 2009, 3:27 pm

AnnaLemma wrote:
jc6chan wrote:
i wish i had more friends, but then it could get annoying cause i like to make my own daily schedule of what to do without any interference.

Describes my feelings exactly! Never have come up with a good resolution for this...

I guess you need to learn to be flexible if you are to have lots of social gatherings and not expect everything to run smoothly in your planned schedule.


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26 Nov 2009, 5:01 pm

I'm lucky considering friends. I have friends, but I don't see them often. But I know that, if I'd call them, we could always go do something together. Not that I call them. But I could. We still know each other from middle school, but went our own ways.

We still see each other on birthdays. Sometimes they randomly organise to go do something together. They always ask me along with them. I like being with them, as long as it's not too often. I feel comfortable around them and we have the same sense of humour.

With them, I only have a very few obligations, but I'm not alone either. So yeah, lucky.