Floating an idea for a meetup in Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Thats the spirit. How can you not enjoy the english countryside if it doesn't at least rain at some point during the day

I have found it quite interesting myself how many people who we have encountered at these meetups who have AS, Dyspraxia, social anxiety, ADHD And all sorts really. I also find it amusing that a lot of them work in a similair profession to me (Supporting people with disabilities or mental health problems) Also have viking re-incators, archaeologists, artists etc
A lot of people I have come across have specialist knowledge and interests in certain fields that make me feel such a de-skilled helpless person out in the woods. It does give you a shock how much being an urban dweller leaves you dependent and completly unprepared for adapting to such environments. When I went to sweden last year I was astounded at how much of their historical culture they hold onto and celebrate. Although they do have the issue of the younger generation not being interested in such pursuits as other cultures around the world do. Ray Mears and his documentries only really scratch the surface of such knowledge that is out there in the world.
Right I'm looking at a date to do this in mid April.
Originally I was planning this in may but due to changing jobs and returning down south as a consequence I probably won't be living in Sheffield come May.
So I am looking at a saturday in april
At the moment it appears the Saturday the 10th or Saturday the 17th are the dates of choice at the moment
Would just like some feedback from people who are interested which one of those dates is more convenient
I went down to Grindlethorpe and Heathersage today although the landscape is still winter like the mud has dried up and the tempreture was more comfortable then it has been in awhile. So hopefully if the spring is truly upon us now by mid april we should be in for some reasonably decent conditions. I'd still advise people to bring water proof clothing as english weather being what it is. If you climb up on top of the rocky sides of the valley it can still be quite nippy particularly if your exposed to the prevailing winds.
Your feedback is welcome
Just a reminder if your interested in coming along to get lost in the hills give me a PM
I just need to know what saturday is preferred from anyone wanting to come along either the 10th or the 17th of April
Let me know either way and I'll make a decision which date im gonna go with by the end of friday this week
Thanks for now
Hi Lotus
There are two Cafe's in the vicinity, one being near the station itself, I'm uncertain if this has toilet facilities. The other being at Longshaw visitor centre which is some distance from the station which I can confirm has toilets.
The visitor centre can become quite crowded sometimes, I'm not sure what kind of crowds will be around Grindlethorpe in mid april it really depends on the weather. But it is usually a much more quiet part of the valley compared to its more popular and well known tourist trap the otherside of the hope valley called Castleton.
There are several pubs in the vicinity, the largest being the Fox House, there are several at Grindlethorpe as well.
As for your two daughters. I personally have no preferance if you wish to bring them along or not. Apart from the Longshaw visitor centre I can't think of any particular area that becomes crowded or is full of people such as Castleton usually is. Get in touch with me via PM to discuss any concerns you may have.
Ok I will be holding this meetup on Saturday 17th of April
I will initially meet with people at Sheffields main railway station. Grindleford is best accessed by an hourly local train which runs between Manchester Piccadilly and Sheffield and stops at all the local stations along the hope valley line. This service departs from platform 4 at Sheffield station.
If anyone is coming from the Manchester (east bound) direction it may be more convenient to meet at Grindleford itself. Whereas anyone travelling along the East Coast Mainline or St Pancras has to go to Sheffield due to the way the train network is built. If you are coming from the Manchester direction and want to meet at Grindlefordjust let me know prior to the day.
If you are driving Sheffield station does not have much car parking space and a lot of the space that is present is a 15 minute max waiting time. It therefore might be better to drive directly to Grindlethorpe. I would get in touch with me via PM if you are planning to travel via car so we can come to some kind of arrangement.
This website gives you information and some pictures of the route I am roughly going to follow.
Grindlethorpe walk website
This is not strictly going to be adheared too as there is a rather nice ridge to the north of the Longshaw Heritage Site were you can see right out across the hope valley. This is a photo I took last year on a late summer evening, when the weather is clear you can see right out across nearly the entire valley it makes for some spectacular scenary which sadly my pic doesn't do any justice too due to the conditions at the time.
Now as for a time to meet at Sheffield station.
There are currently no scheduled engineering works on the Hope Valley line for the 17th. However im uncertain what the main railway lines will be like and what kind of distances people will be travelling from.
I would like to aim for 10:30 am but I understand this might mean quite an early start for people coming from distance locations such as London. There is only one train an hour towards Grindleford and this always leaves at 14 minutes past the hour. Trains returning to sheffield are roughly around 45 minutes past the hour each hour. If needs be I can always set a later time in the morning. Please let me know if this will be a problem for you.
As I say get in touch if you want more information I'll probably venture out again and see what the area is like either this weekend or next. At the moment spring is showing no signs of appearing yet but this will probably change by mid april
Tom would like to come to the meet up but he is banned from WP so cant reply to this thread himself.
Im not going to be able to come as Im not feeling up to travelling currently, but it would be really great if you could come to MK to meet up with me and Tom soon.
I think it will be a fantastic day and very fun
Well Tom can always contact me on AV unless he got himself banned there too. Failing that Kam does actually have my phone number should he wish to take the initative.
I'm uncertain what your current state is with tom at the moment. I'm assuming its still business as usual until told otherwise.
I'm moving down south at the end of this month. I'm still rather mentally fatigued at the moment. I'm not sure how long it will take me to recoevr from the burnout I have suffered I don't think I will begin to improve till my job finishes on the 20th. WHen im down south i'll have to aclimitise to living with family again I'm technically living between three family members in hertfordshire and my income will be irregulary til i take up a new position (i will be a relief worker between jobs)
Let me get back to you when I make the move down south. I'll let you know when I have the mental stamina to pay you guys a visit in MK around late May or possibly early June
Ok this is still going ahead next saturday.
Please get in touch if your planning on coming along. I'll be at SHeffield station from 10am onwards. Ideally I'd like to be at Grindleford before mid day, hopefully the weather will be good it seems to be getting more sunny and the tree's are beginning to prepare to blossom.
Hello there
IF your coming along tomorrow please get in touch with me via PM so I can give you my mobile number if you need to get in touch with me
I'll be hanging about Sheffield Station from 10am onwards I'll be near the uppercrust stand which is in the main area of the station were the departure and arrival display is located
If your coming from the Manchester direction the best place to meet would be at Grindleford itself at the station cafe which is just outside the station on the bridge which crosses the railway line.
We should be there around 11am unless anyone who is coming is delayed at all.
Despite the volcanic activity taking place in Iceland tomorrow should be a very pleasent day. The valley began to bloom last weekend so it should be rather idealic and spring like now. Whereas a month ago it was rather muddy and cold. Make sure you do have water proof clothing available incase of the British weather doing what it does best in april. Otherwise it seems the weather is going to be quite awesome tomorrow. Most of the treak is ascending up hill but if an overweight and unfit person like me can manage it alright most people should be fine.
Afraid I don't have a recent pic of myself. But if your looking around Sheffield Station for me you can hardly miss a big long haired fella looking like this. This is from a national park in Sweden last summer i haven't changed too much since then might have differnt clothes on though
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