When I was about 25 I had a group of 2 or 3 girlfriends. The kind you can sit around the kitchen table with, drink coffee and snark it up. But then this one got married, that one went to graduate school out of state, etc. etc. and I haven't had that since. I was always the quiet one but that was OK. Lately my friendships, which I don't consider real friendships, are people who have already alienated everyone else. Then they find spineless, would rather choke than be openly rude me.They start out by asking me one favor (which is fine, I'm happy to help) and then another and then suddenly I'm trapped as this person's sounding board. I'm talking about someone who has nothing to talk about but how the world done them wrong. Any suggestions are met with " Yes, but the problem with that is..."Bleah. OK shutting up now. My sister is in town, I see her rarely because she lives about 13 hour drive away, and it was so nice to have a real conversation.