if there's one thing I learned throughout my life, it's that nothing is impossible.
I graduated from high school a few weeks ago, and a few of my friends didn't graduate though they were seniors as well. they don't have mental illnesses, and believe me, I've seen a ton. In my case, moving around the country anywhere from 2-4 year increments has helped me.
In my experience, being yourself is the way to go. No one can tell you who YOU are, only YOU can do that.
Me being a gemini has also helped, with the whole dual-persona thing. Using this, I was able to be two different people, while still being me. If you are a gemini, try splitting yourself into two. it won't be easy, trust me on that, but holding one back while the other works: quite simple. First, you have to notice what you're doing, then put them all into one of two categories. For me, one was school, the other was home. Thing is, When I'm not at either,and I don't know which to follow, I look deep inside my psyche. Recently, I look to the sky for answers. It works quite often, but only if I can focus on the sky and one question. With both of those tools, I have been able to make it this far, w/o suicidal thoughts, but thats not everything that I used. Deep inside, I found out that there is nothing more powerful than a true bond. In other words, (I suppose you wouldn't be surprised if I elaborate) True Friendship and Unconditional Love, are the best things to use. I wouldn't have made it this far w/o any outside help.
Whatever happens, be yourself. If you get teased, so what? Called names, Who cares? You shouldn't! As long as you are yourself, nothing anyone else says about you matters.
Me? I intentionally made others make fun of me. Doing that allowed me to figure out what I was doing wrong, so I could adjust after I moved again. Somewhere along the way, I realized that no one, and nothing could say I am something I'm not. That thought had always been on my mind, and I have passed it on to a few others over the internet, and one or two in person.
Being open-minded to the possibilties also helped, as well, though not always good, and not always bad either.
These strategies helped me, and I'm not sure if it will help you, but its worth a shot, if you ask me.